posterior intermediate septa是什么意思 posterior intermediate septa的中

posterior intermediate septa是什么意思 posterior intermediate septa的中

posterior intermediate septa通常被翻译为"后中间隔"的意思,作为名词时有"医"的意思,发音是[posteriorintermediatesepta],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到56个与posterior intermediate septa相关的例句。

Posterior intermediate septa的翻译


例句:It copied the posterior, the back part, which is sensory, and put it in the front. (将新大脑皮层后端,感官的部分,拷贝 到前端 )


例句:It makes use of an intermediate of medicine compound and as a disperser in dyestuff. (本品用作分散染料的中间体和医药中间体。)


posterior intermediate septa一般作为名词使用,如在septa posterior([医] 后隔, 蛛网膜下隔)、posterior median septa([医] 颈部中间隔)、intermediate cervical septa([医] 颈部中间隔(脊髓))等常见短语中出现较多。

septa posterior[医] 后隔, 蛛网膜下隔
posterior median septa[医] 颈部中间隔
intermediate cervical septa[医] 颈部中间隔(脊髓)
septa中隔, 隔膜, 隔, 间隔\n[医] 中隔, 间隔, 隔
posterior intermediate groove后中间沟
posterior intermediate septum后中间隔
posterior intermediate sulcus后中间沟
posterior to晚于


1. Rehabilitation Following the Selective Posterior Rhizotomy for Children with Cerebral Paralysis (翻译:小儿脑瘫选择性脊神经后根切断术后康复方法探讨)

2. Posterior subcapsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma and exophthalmos. (翻译:后部包膜白内障,眼压上升,青光眼。)

3. Cytoskeleton includes microfilament, microtubule and intermediate filaments. (翻译:细胞骨架包括微丝、微管及中间丝。)

4. Carbonium Ion--an Active Intermediate in Organic Chemistry Reaction (翻译:碳正离子--一种有机化学反应中的活性中间体)

5. You break anything, the septa will have my head. (翻译:你要是弄坏什么东西, 修女会要了我的命. You break anything, the Septa will have my head.)

6. Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid. (翻译:液晶被认为介于液态和固态之间。)

7. "Not so filthy as your SINS," said Septa Moelle. (翻译:“不如你的罪行肮脏,”莫勒修女说。)

8. You're an intermediate risk, right down the middle. (翻译:交易! 也许你可以开始搞清楚什么是吃晚饭。)

9. M-aminophenol is an important organic chemistry intermediate. (翻译:间氨基苯酚是一种重要的有机化工中间体。)

10. Histamine Release of Four Kinds of Intermediate acting Muscle Relaxants (翻译:四种中时效非去极化肌松药组胺释放作用的研究)

11. The posterior approach utilizes the interval between the gluteus maximus and medius; (翻译:后侧入路利用了臀大肌和臀中肌之间的间隙;)

12. As they eat the nitrates, they form nitrites as an intermediate chemical byproduct. (翻译:当他们吸收这些硝酸盐的时候,会形成一种可以成为副产物的亚硝酸盐的中间产物。)

13. Application of diuretic renography in neonates and infants with posterior urethral valve (翻译:利尿肾动态显像在婴幼儿后尿道瓣膜中的应用)

14. the carefully arranged chessmen; haphazardly arranged interlobular septa; comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace. (翻译:精心安排的棋子;随意布置的隔片;舒适的椅子排放在壁炉周围。)

15. The lesions were located in posterior inferior cerebella on sagittal scans. (翻译:矢状位扫描病变位于小脑半球后下部。)

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