postnominally是什么意思 postnominally的中文翻译、读音、例句

postnominally是什么意思 postnominally的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Static XHTML Mockup app/views/blog/post.html (静态XHTML模仿app/views/blog/post.html )

例句:Come on, let me post this on your blog. (let me post this on your blog. -不)


1. Did they post it on the bulletin board? (翻译:Did they post it on the bulletin board?)

2. It was less rigid and in many ways differed only nominally from the doctrines of the Council of Chalcedon. (翻译:这是那么严格,在许多方面不同的只是名义上的理论理事会的迦克墩。)

3. We see ourselves as very much post-tax. (翻译:我们的自身定位是后税主义。We see ourselves as very much post -tax.)

4. Even a nominally linear device can be linear only up to a certain limiting amplitude. (翻译:即使名义上为线性的装置,仅在某个有限的振辐之内才可能为线性。)

5. Mr. Gardner, this is Mandy Post. (翻译:Gardner先生 我是Mandy Post)

6. People post for feedback to drum up buzz before selling to big companies. (翻译:在游戏卖给大公司之前 People post for feedback to drum up buzz)

7. You helped me when I was up in that guard post. (翻译:也在瞭望塔上帮我逃命 You helped me when I was up in that guard post.)

8. Post temple guards outside. (翻译:让神殿的护卫把守在外面 Post temple guards outside.)

9. Roland turned to Bink, shaking his head in a gesture that was only nominally negative. (翻译:罗兰转向宾克,用一种看似否定他的手势摇着他的头。)

10. Post eyes at the exits and at the newsstand across the street. (翻译:在各个出口和街对面的报摊安排眼线 Post eyes at the exits and at the newsstand across the street.)

11. You let me run into lamp post? (翻译:You let me run into lamp post?)

:// (翻译://

13. Anyone with bolt cutters could have-- (翻译:它被留在了海边 锁在角柱上 It was left on shore. It was chained to a post.)

14. Connie Raynor of the Morning Post. (翻译:我是《邮政早报》的康妮・瑞诺 Connie Raynor of the Morning Post.)

15. To treat soldiers with post-traumatic stress. (翻译:帮助有创伤后应激障碍的战士 To treat soldiers with post -traumatic stress.)

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