postplatform activization是什么意思 postplatform activization的中文翻译、读音

postplatform activization是什么意思 postplatform activization的中文翻译、读音

postplatform activization通常被翻译为"后地台活化〔作用〕"的意思,在日常中也代表"后地台活化〔作用〕"的意思,发音是[postplatformactivization],postplatform activization是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到65个与postplatform activization相关的句子。

Postplatform activization的翻译


例句:Well, I heard that you use tarot cards in your act. (i heard that you used tarot cards in your act.)


postplatform activization一般作为名词使用,如在tectonic activization(造构活化〔作用〕)等常见短语中出现较多。

tectonic activization造构活化〔作用〕


1. And that way, you know that I will never, ever act on it. (翻译:那样你就知道 我永远永远不会付诸行动 And that way, you know that I will never, ever act on it.)

2. The Course bean will have two properties defined viz. (翻译:Course bean将有两个属性,分别用于定义viz。)

3. I'm not sure why she refused their inv IT ation. (翻译:我尚不能肯定她为什么拒绝他们的邀请。)

4. ♪ Act like a broken doll ♪ (翻译:♪ Act like a broken doll ♪)

5. Caught her act in St. Louis. (翻译:Caught her act in St. Louis.)

6. Did they post it on the bulletin board? (翻译:Did they post it on the bulletin board?)

7. Post Caledonides platform also did not exist, there was an ocean basin and could be a part of the Paleo Tethys; (翻译:华南不存在加里东后地台,而存在晚古生代洋盆,它可能是东特提斯洋的一部分;)

8. This toy is three-dimensional viz-surround software technology. (翻译:这玩具是3D环视软件技术 This toy is three -dimensional viz -surround software technology.)

9. I think this is an act of terrorism. (翻译:我认为这次是恐怖袭击 I think this is an act of terrorism.)

10. I come to offer my resignation for my post as chancellor. (翻译:我是来递交大法官一职的辞呈 I come to offer my resignation for my post as Chancellor.)

11. In foreign languages... 70 soldiers of my very own army are seeing dreams. (翻译:petrik1 ipb@post. sk)

12. I saw the new post on your website. (翻译:我看你新上传的视频了 I saw the new post on your website. -你得删掉)

13. It is overlain unconformably by the post Cambrian platform cover. (翻译:被后寒武纪地台沉积盖层不整合覆盖。)

14. Film is a kind of art th at combine sp ace and time, also be ac carrier of an ation " culture, at these ame time embody an ation" tradition. (翻译:电影是一门空间与时间相结合的艺术,同时也是整个社会、文化的外化形式,承载着一个国家、一个民族的传统。)

15. I know at times I act a little crazy (翻译:I know at times I act a little crazy)

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