postponed是什么意思 postponed的中文翻译、读音、例句

postponed是什么意思 postponed的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:postponed appointment(延期的预约)、postponed game(推迟的比赛)、postponed meeting(延期的会议)




1. The concert has been postponed until next Wednesday due to bad weather.


2. The wedding had to be postponed because the groom fell ill.


3. The construction project had to be postponed due to a lack of funding.


4. The exam was postponed because of a power outage.


5. The launch of the new product has been postponed until the company can resolve some technical issues.




1. The concert has been postponed due to bad weather. (因天气恶劣,音乐会被推迟了。)

2. The meeting has been postponed until next week. (会议已经被推迟到下周。)

3. The release of the new movie has been postponed because of production delays. (由于制作延误,新电影的发布被延期了。)

4. The wedding has been postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic. (由于疫情,婚礼被无限期推迟了。)




例句:I just got word that Mrs. Underwood has postponed her flight here. (我刚得到消息 安德伍德夫人推迟了过来的班机 I just got word that Mrs. Underwood has postponed her flight here.)


例句:The sitting is postponed until the great Caesar's wife has a good dream. (也许会议... 该推迟到你妻子有下一个好梦)


例句:Elections in the disputed city of Kirkuk were to be postponed until a separate agreement could be reached. (在存有争议的城市基尔库克,选举将被推迟直至协议另行达成。)


例句:Eric told me that they postponed having children until he gets his doctoral degree. (翻译:埃里克告诉我,直到他拿到博士学位后他们才会要孩子。)


postponed一般作为动词使用,如在infinitely postponed(vi. 无限期延期)、postponed labor([医] 逾期分娩, 过期分娩)、postponed result(延期结果)等常见短语中出现较多。

infinitely postponedvi. 无限期延期
postponed labor[医] 逾期分娩, 过期分娩
postponed result延期结果


1. Elections in the disputed city of Kirkuk were to be postponed until a separate agreement could be reached. (翻译:在存有争议的城市基尔库克,选举将被推迟直至协议另行达成。)

2. Eric told me that they postponed having children until he gets his doctoral degree. (翻译:埃里克告诉我,直到他拿到博士学位后他们才会要孩子。)

3. Liaoning-Szechwan match was postponed due to bad weather. (翻译:辽宁对四川因雨改期 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Liaoning -Szechwan match was postponed due to bad weather.)

4. The fight between the Bloods and the Crips is postponed until next Friday. (翻译:中的Bloods之间的斗争 和瘸子 被推迟 直到下周五。)

5. It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations. (翻译:由于暮星唆使剪剪跟蜗蜗 把碧琪的布置破坏掉,舞会被迫延期了)

6. But the next day it abruptly postponed until September a planned share offering expected to be worth up to $25 billion. (翻译:但是,第二天这项计画突然延迟至xx月,有计画出售持股期望价值可达250亿美元。)

7. Further search for the mysterious hulk was postponed by powerful thunderstorms in the Smoky Mountain National Forest. (翻译:国家森林下起一阵雷暴雨 神秘绿巨人的搜寻行动因此拖延)

8. The trial was postponed indefinitely. (翻译:审讯无限期延迟。)

9. I -fied him that the meeting had been postponed. (翻译:我通知他会议已经延期。)

10. I postponed my wedding a week because you asked me to make a lady out of her. (翻译:我把我的婚礼推迟了一个星期,因为 你要我来重新打造一个老太太)

11. Royal Palace were originally scheduled to take place in Marrakech in April, but have now been postponed to July 12. (翻译:拉巴特皇宫的庆祝活动原订xx月在马拉喀什举行,如今延至xx月xx日才开始。)

12. Tehran's representative at the International Atomic Energy Agency said the meeting was postponed because of "a procedural matter. " (翻译:德黑兰派驻国际原子能机构的代表说,这次会晤由于程序原因推迟。)

13. Please check your luggage in case of any lithium batteries, or your schedule might be postponed. (翻译:请各位乘客,在托运前做好检查,保证在托运行李中没有锂电池,以免耽误行程。)

14. The gelation time postponed with the increase of content of styrene. (翻译:随苯乙烯含量的增加,凝肢时间明显延长。)

15. Many had come to take part in revelry, but Mr Mubarak's speech continued to be postponed. (翻译:虽然穆巴拉克总统的演说一直在推迟,然而很多人已经开始了狂欢。)



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