postvertical cephalic bristle在英语中代表"昆"的意思,其次还有"后顶头鬃"的意思,在线发音:[postverticalcephalicbristle],postvertical cephalic bristle是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到85个与postvertical cephalic bristle相关的例句。
Postvertical cephalic bristle的翻译
例句:A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant. (茸毛:与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成。)
例句:When I was angry or upset, my fur would bristle, and I would turn into a wolf. (据说我生气闹别扭时 就会竖起毛 变成狼的样子)
postvertical cephalic bristle一般作为名词使用,如在postvertical bristle([昆] 单眼后鬃)、vertical cephalic bristle([昆] 顶鬃)、cephalic(头部的 )等常见短语中出现较多。
postvertical bristle | [昆] 单眼后鬃 |
vertical cephalic bristle | [昆] 顶鬃 |
cephalic | 头部的 |
bristle | 刚毛 |
dorsal bristle | 背中鬃 |
dorsocentral bristle | 背中鬃 |
dorsoscutellar bristle | (=discal scutellar bristle)小盾心鬃 |
discal bristle | 腹背鬃 |
facial bristle | 颜鬃 |
1. Even now, remembering the taunts and gibes made Cal bristle. He had taken them to heart even more than King. (翻译:甚至是现在,想起那种辱骂和嘲讽就使得卡巴顿火冒三丈。)
2. After knife sticking, pigs are shackled, suspended on a bleed-rail and immersed in scalding tanks to remove their bristle. (翻译:猪挨了刀子后被固定在一个横杆上 然后浸到滚烫的罐里褪毛)
3. But the cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate. (翻译:但部分患者分离头静脉存在困难。)
4. Objective To investigate the clinical value of partogram in the process of cephalic presentation. (翻译:目的探讨产程图在头位分娩中的临床指导意义。)
5. Tubby body obesity, forehead, head cephalic, occipital and Yuhina are black, about 60 centimeters Yuhina. (翻译:体形短粗肥胖,前额、头顶、头侧、枕部和冠羽均为黑色,冠羽长约60厘米。)
6. Dr. Faust said she had been discussing a new kind of label that takes into account the wearer's shape, but expected retailers to bristle. (翻译:浮士德博士说她已经讨论过一种将穿着者的体型考虑进去的标识方法,但猜想零售商会恼火。)
7. Benda Brushes are the original bendable bristle brush applicators. (翻译:这是原有的可弯曲硬毛涂药器。)
8. Caudally the junction of the upper lateral cartilages with the cephalic edge of the lateral crus defines the scroll area. (翻译:上外侧软骨尾端与外侧脚的头侧端相交处为软骨间交界区。)
9. Such disdain may have made the moustaches of the Pakistani Rangers bristle. (翻译:这种蔑视可能已经挑起了巴基斯坦巡逻兵的怒火。)
10. A more reliable and easier technique, a fluoroscopy-guided cephalic angled approach, has been developed for difficult cases. (翻译:我们利用透视下以头向倾方式来进行腰椎穿利,这对困难的个案是一个更可靠也更简单的方式。)
11. So, of course, theoreticians bristle. (翻译:当然,理论家不高兴了。)
12. lack of diabetes, singleton pregnancy, cephalic presentation, and cervical dilatation of less than 6 cm. (翻译:收纳条件包括未产妇、没有妊娠糖尿病、独生子、头位生产、且子宫颈扩张小于6公分。)
13. Object: To discuss the patency of the autogenous radial-cephalic hemodialysis access using small caliber cephalic vein. (翻译:目的:评价运用球囊扩张小口径头静脉建立自体动静脉内瘘用于血液透析的有效通畅率。)
14. Caudally the junction of the upper lateral cartilages with the cephalic edge of the lateral crus defines the scroll area. (翻译:上外侧软骨尾端与外侧脚的头侧端相交处为软骨间交界区。)
15. The development and clinical cephalic wound application of non-extremity pressure hemostat (翻译:非肢体用止血器的研制及其在头部创口的临床应用)