potato cure通常被翻译为"医、消化道异物的治疗法"的意思,还经常被翻译为马铃薯疗法,单词读音音标为[potatocure],potato cure来源于英语,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到34个与potato cure相关的例句。
Potato cure的中文翻译
例句:And it's the size of a potato. (- the cock -a -mouse.)
例句:The potato is an invaluable esculent. (马铃薯是极有价值的食物。)
例句:Handing out the contaminan a cure... (把污染当治疗... Handing out the contaminant as a cure...)
potato cure一般作为名词使用,如在no cure(无法治疗\n无药可医)、potato(土豆 )、diet cure([医] 饮食疗法)等常见短语中出现较多。
no cure | 无法治疗\n无药可医 |
potato | 土豆 |
diet cure | [医] 饮食疗法 |
dietary cure | 膳食疗养法,食疗法 |
dry cure | v. 腌(鱼肉等)\n[网络] 干腌法 |
economic cure | [医] 经济疗法 |
dynamic cure | 动态固化 |
environmental cure | 环境对策 |
equivalent cure | [化] 等效硫化 |
1. Handing out the contaminan a cure... (翻译:把污染当治疗... Handing out the contaminant as a cure...)
2. There are various potato dishes:stewed potatoes and beef, diced/sliced potatoes, potato soup, potato and pork, potato cake, mashed potato, hash browns, fench fries, gnocchi, baked potato, …etc. (翻译:有各种不同的土豆菜肴:红烧土豆和牛肉,切块/切片土豆,土豆汤,土豆和猪肉,土豆饼,土豆泥,薯饼,薯条,土豆团,烤土豆,…等等。)
3. With mashed potato pancakes and cranberry jelly. (翻译:上面加了蘑菇 土豆和煎饼 With mashed potato pancakes 还有果冻 and cranberry jelly.)
4. They found her in a potato truck in Lincolnshire. (翻译:他们在林肯郡的一辆 运土豆的车上找到她的)
5. Diseases for which we have no cure. (翻译:我们承受着无法治愈的疾病 Diseases for which we have no cure.)
6. Splitting up a bag of potato chips (翻译:Splitting up a bag of potato chips 我 分手一袋薯片 我)
7. Why would he have a dust buster, potato head? (翻译:为什么他会拿个除尘器 你个土豆脑袋 Why would he have a dust buster, potato head?)
8. So this is my version "Lovesong" by The Cure (翻译:这是我翻唱The Cure的Lovesong)
9. And take the cure from you (翻译:夺走你的解药 and take the cure from you)
10. And grab any samples of the potential cure. (翻译:并且拿上任何可能是解药的样本 And grab any samples of the potential cure.)
11. If we put andrew in stasis as a human, (翻译:为我们找到治疗方法争取时间 giving us more time to find a cure.)
12. Eating potato together with the son on sofa piece hind, do not clean potato piece drossy ; (翻译:在沙发上与儿子一起吃着薯片后,不打扫薯片的碎屑;)
13. Will you get Dottie some potato salad on there, please? (翻译:你能帮Dottie盛点土豆色拉么? Will you get Dottie some potato salad on there, please?)
14. You're gonna wash 'em until they're clean, white-glove clean. (翻译:I like potato chips moonlight and motor trips How about you)
15. Umbrella developed a cure. (翻译:保护伞公司研究出了解药 Umbrella developed a cure.)