powder flowmeter是什么意思 powder flowmeter的中文翻译、读音、例句

powder flowmeter是什么意思 powder flowmeter的中文翻译、读音、例句

powder flowmeter的中文解释是"粉末流量计",在日常中也代表"粉末流量计"的意思,在线读音是[powderflowmeter],powder flowmeter在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到91个与powder flowmeter相关的句子。

Powder flowmeter的释义


例句:But the powder is labeled "Deadly Poison," so Grace thinks that the powder is a deadly poison. (但是那个装有粉末的标签上却写着“剧毒” 所以葛瑞丝认为那些粉末就是一个剧毒物质 )


powder flowmeter一般作为名词使用,如在flowmeter(流量计 )、powder with(v. 洒粉于)、differential flowmeter(差示流量计)等常见短语中出现较多。

powder withv. 洒粉于
differential flowmeter差示流量计
downhole flowmeter[油气] 井下产量计
Doppler flowmeter多普勒流量计
disc flowmeter盘式流量计
displacement flowmeter位移流量计;排量流量计, 位移流量计, 排量流量计
dynamic flowmeter态流量计
electric flowmeter电流量计


1. and (4) mixing the roxburgh rose powder and the glossy ganoderma powder to prepare capsules, tablets, pills and electuary. (翻译:将上述剌梨粉与灵芝浸膏粉混合制成胶囊、片剂、丸剂、冲剂。)

2. But very well, you may have three firefly berries and a refill of amnesia powder. (翻译:好吧 给你三颗萤火虫果 But very well, you may have three firefly berries 忘却粉也装满了 and a refill of amnesia powder.)

3. All temps get a ration of sleeping powder. (翻译:临时工都有定量的睡觉粉 All temps get a ration of sleeping powder.)

4. another is sargentgloryvine stem extract powder of 3%, scandent schefflera stem and leaf extract powder of 3%. (翻译:另一部分是大血藤水提物的干粉3%,七叶莲水提物的干粉3%。)

5. He's into persian longhairs. (翻译:他买很多的蛋白粉 He buys a lot of protein powder.)

6. A compound, KHCO3, in the form of a white powder or colorless crystals, used in baking powder and as an antacid medicine. (翻译:以白色粉末或无色晶体形式存在的化合物,KHCO3,用于发酵粉中和用作解酸剂。)

7. Each of these flowmeter types has its own advantages and limitations. (翻译:这些流量计类型都有自己的优点和局限性。)

8. There are no powder burns on the woman. (翻译:从现场看 血溅的范围 子弹的角度 尸体的位置)

9. The metering of natural gas still presently depends on orifice flowmeter, one of differential pressure flowmeters. (翻译:天然气计量现在仍以差压式流量计中的孔板流量计为主。)

10. Yeah, William, they have this powder here, and you sprinkle it all over your ice cream. (翻译:- Yeah, William, they have this powder here, 把粉撒在冰淇淋上就吃不出来了 and you sprinkle it all over your ice cream.)

11. He sprinkled gun powder in the valley (翻译:#哦... ... 山谷里弥漫弹药污尘#)

12. We can pick you up some baby powder for you on the way back. (翻译:回去的时候 我们可以去买点婴儿爽身粉给你用 We can pick you up some baby powder for you on the way back.)

13. 3 grilled squid 4 Takoyaki owder snow is ah is the powder snow ah powder snow? (翻译:3、烤花枝 4、章鱼烧 POWDER SNOW是什么啊?)

14. Trowelling epoxy crystal powder putty; (翻译:刮涂环氧石英粉腻子; )

15. There's Powderbox, derriere, a Pooky, a Poochi, a Poopi, a Poopelu, a Pooninana, a Padepachetchki, a Pal, and a Piche. (翻译:其它叫法还有powder-box, derriere, pooky, poochy, poopy poopaloo, pooninana, padepachetchki, pow, peach )

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