pray down是什么意思 pray down的中文翻译、读音、例句

pray down是什么意思 pray down的中文翻译、读音、例句

pray down的中文解释是"求神降伏",作为名词时有"求神降伏"的意思,发音音标为[praydown],pray down在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到32个与pray down相关的例句。

Pray down的释义


例句:Oh, break it down, oh, break it down (Oh,breakit down, oh, break it down)


pray down一般作为名词使用,如在pray(祈祷 )、pray ... for(v. 祈求\n[网络] 祈祷;为…而祈祷;为求得…而祈祷)、pray for(请求, 恳求)等常见短语中出现较多。

pray ... forv. 祈求\n[网络] 祈祷;为…而祈祷;为求得…而祈祷
pray for请求, 恳求
pray to向(上帝、神或信仰之圣物)祈祷, 祷告
hope and pray热切企盼,衷心祈求
offer a pray做祷告,祈祷
plug and pray[网络] 随插即祷;随插即祈祷;即插即祈祷
pray a tales请求补足陪审员的缺额;请求陪审员全体出席
pray against祈祷不要发生某事


1. I woke my little brothers and sisters and made them kneel down to pray. (翻译:我叫醒了我的弟妹们... 要他们都跪下祈祷)

2. Dial down, dial down, dial down! (翻译:Dial down, dial down, dial down! 停火...)

3. Shake it down, shake it down Shake it down now (翻译:Shake it down, shake it down Shake it down now)

4. No, get down on your hands and knees and pray to God. (翻译:不,踏踏实实在你的手中 和膝盖向上帝祈祷。)

5. Down, down, down, down, down, good. (翻译:Down, down, down, down, down, good.)

6. I'll pray, and... you pray in your heart. (翻译:- 我来祷告吧,你们在心里跟着祷告就好了)

7. I pray the world... and Jerusalem... can accommodate such a rarity... as a perfect knight. (翻译:我祈求这个世界和耶路撒冷... I pray the world... and Jerusalem...)

8. -Madame,this way,I pray you. (翻译:夫人 请您这边走 Madame,this way,I pray you.)

9. Pray, view at your leisure. (翻译:请随意观看吧 Pray, view at your leisure.)

10. Well I got down on my knees and I began to pray (翻译:# knelt # # and pretended to pray #)

11. And we got down on our knees to pray for strength. (翻译:我们跪下来向上帝祈求能力 And we got down on our knees to pray for strength.)

12. I pray and beseech you all, to pray for the life of the King. (翻译:我祈祷并且祈求所有人 I pray and beseech you all, 为吾王祈祷 to pray for the life of the King.)

13. In my heart, in my heart, I will pray, I will pray~ (翻译:在我心中 在我心中 我满心感谢 我满心感谢)

14. The rest of you kneel down there next to your brother and pray as if your lives depend on it, on account they do. (翻译:剩下的都跪到你哥哥旁边去 the rest of you kneel down there next to your brother 祈祷吧 你们的命全取决于它了 And pray as if your lives depend on it, 看他们心情好坏 On account they do.)

15. Come out of the bathroom and pray. (翻译:Come out of the bathroom and pray.)

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