prehallux是什么意思 prehallux的中文翻译、读音、例句

prehallux是什么意思 prehallux的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You know, Pre it's spring and I sense this is your week to chase the ladies. (你知道 Pre... ...春天了... ...最近这周追小姑娘去啦)


例句:- Are we ready for the pre-tape? (-准备好预录了吗 -是 {\3cH202020} - Are we ready for the pre)


例句:Is that a pre-stabbing in my pre-back? (准备在准备期间陷害我吗 Is that a pre -stabbing in my pre)


例句:We describe a case of a traumatic avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx of the hallux. (翻译:我们描述了一对拇末节撕脱骨折创伤的情况。)


1. Is that a pre-stabbing in my pre-back? (翻译:准备在准备期间陷害我吗 Is that a pre -stabbing in my pre)

2. We describe a case of a traumatic avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx of the hallux. (翻译:我们描述了一对拇末节撕脱骨折创伤的情况。)

3. Well, this will be like a pre-divorce, pre-engagement engagement ring. (翻译:那么 这将是 就像一个预先离婚 聘用前 订婚戒指)

4. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过micro USB接口可见。)

5. And early signs of pre-clampsia. (翻译:以及子痫前期的早期迹象 and early signs of preeclampsia.)

6. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过microUSB接口可见。)

7. The Cacher module acts as both a rendering engine for content preview and a pre-rendering engine creating cache files. (翻译:Cacher模块同时用作内容预览的显示引擎和pre-rendering引擎来创建缓存文件。)

8. The new Pixi and the Pre price cut are Palm's latest actions to recapture lost market share. (翻译:推出新品Pixi以及下调Pre售价,这是Palm试图夺回流失市场份额的最新举措。)

9. The last thing Pre said to me was that the next time he'd run three miles he'd do it in 12 minutes and 36 seconds beating the world record by 12 seconds. (翻译:Pre最后对我说的是... ...他要跑3英里赛... ...用12分36秒来大破纪录...)

10. That was pre-recorded. This one's live! (翻译:刚才那个是事先录好的 现在这个是现场直播!)

11. Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre-prep. (翻译:嗯 待在这 准备准备 Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre)

12. No, it's more like a pre-shiva. (翻译:不,这更像是一个预恐惧, 只是告诉他们,这是非常重要的)

13. Pre, you see, was troubled by knowing a mediocre effort can win a race. (翻译:Pre麻烦在于.. ...不怎么努力却可赢得比赛)

14. You know, the answer to that question may challenge some of your preconceived notions. (翻译:关于这个问题的回答 The answer to that question may challenge... 可能会颠覆您的主观预想 some of your pre -conceived notions.)

15. A little pre-Halloween hijinkery. (翻译:万圣节前的装神弄鬼罢了 A little pre -Halloween hijinkery.)

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