pregnancy complication的意思是"妊娠并发症",作为名词时有"妊娠并发症"的意思,发音是[pregnancycomplication],pregnancy complication常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到20个与pregnancy complication相关的句子。
Pregnancy complication的翻译
例句:The age difference was a complication to the relationship. (年龄差异是使该关系复杂化的一个因素。)
pregnancy complication一般作为名词使用,如在complication(①并发症②复杂化 )、pregnancy(怀孕 )、in pregnancy([网络] 妊娠期;孕妇;妊娠以后)等常见短语中出现较多。
complication | ①并发症②复杂化 |
pregnancy | 怀孕 |
in pregnancy | [网络] 妊娠期;孕妇;妊娠以后 |
heart complication | 心脏并发症 |
intracranial complication | 颅内并发病 |
late complication | [网络] 晚期并发症;晩発障害 |
ocular complication | [医] 眼并发症 |
operative complication | 手术并发症 |
postexodontic complication | 拔牙后并发症 |
1. A fetus that is weightless during pregnancy. (翻译:想想看 怀孕期 胎儿在太空舱里 处于无重力状况)
2. Pulmonary edema, a serious complication of pregnancy and the puerperium, can result in maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. (翻译:肺水肿,严重的并发症,妊娠和产褥期,可能导致孕产妇和胎儿发病率和死亡率。)
3. PSTT can occur after a normal pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, termination of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy. (翻译:PSTT可以发生在一个正常的怀孕,流产,终止妊娠,异位妊娠或摩尔怀孕。)
4. One complication which can arise is a prolapse. (翻译:可能出现的一种并发症是脱垂。)
5. This is an unfortunate complication. (翻译:这种复杂的事情真是不合时宜. {\fnTahoma\fs10\bord0\shad0\1cH00FFFF}This is an unfortunate complication.)
6. Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication. (翻译:急性胃扩张是一种罕有的并发症。)
7. Have you done a pregnancy test? (翻译:你做过妊娠检查了吗 Have you done a pregnancy test?)
8. STIs and adverse outcomes of pregnancy (翻译:性传播感染和怀孕的不良结果 )
9. Clinical features of appendicitis during pregnancy were different from appendicitis during non-pregnancy. (翻译:妊娠期阑尾炎与非妊娠期阑尾炎的临床特征不同。)
10. Sometimes women develop allergies during pregnancy. (翻译:有时女性会在怀孕期间发生过敏 Sometimes women develop allergies during pregnancy.)
11. Specially to has the complication parturient woman. (翻译:特别是对有并发症的产妇。)
12. Was it a normal pregnancy? (翻译:那是一个正常的孕育吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}... was it a normal pregnancy?)
13. Shapes which are of such complication, such harmony and such beauty. (翻译:多么复杂、多么和谐、 多么美丽的形状啊。)
14. A pregnancy is now part of your legal medical record. (翻译:你的合法医疗记录上,就有怀孕这一项了。A pregnancy is now part of your legal medical record.)
15. Migrainous infarction is considered a rare complication of migraine. (翻译:偏头痛性梗死被认为是偏头痛的一种罕见并发症。)