prejudicial act在中文中有"侵害行为"的意思,还经常被翻译为法,在线发音:[prejudicialact],prejudicial act常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到79个与prejudicial act相关的句子。
Prejudicial act的中文翻译
例句:Try to figure it out and act accordingly. (尝试去弄明白 然后照做 Try and figure it out and act accordingly.)
例句:Your act is very charming. (你的表演非常迷人 谢谢 Your act is very charming.)
prejudicial act一般作为名词使用,如在prejudicial(偏见的 )、prejudicial error([法] 可以更改的错误)、prejudicial to security([法] 妨害安全)等常见短语中出现较多。
prejudicial | 偏见的 |
prejudicial error | [法] 可以更改的错误 |
prejudicial to security | [法] 妨害安全 |
act | 扮演 |
in act | [古语]即将,正要(与to和不定式连用) |
in the act | na. 正在动作时;当场\n[网络] 正在现场 |
into the act | (尤指为利益或好处而)积极参与(或插手) |
on the Act | 正在行动 |
the act | [网络] 人生如戏;行动;法 |
1. But every time you act out, (翻译:但是每次你惹出乱子 But every time you act out,)
2. If you act like that bee acts (翻译:*如果你像蜜蜂那样 If you act like that bee acts)
3. It only reaffirms my determination to act. (翻译:这只会激励我干到底 It only reaffirms my determination to act.)
4. Adjusting the prejudicial bush can change the length of stroke of slide. (翻译:调节偏心套可改变滑块行程长度;采用半圆形转键离合器;)
5. The vanishing act takes years to perfect. (翻译:The vanishing act takes years to perfect 需要数年才能掌握隐藏技巧)
6. ? You got the act and drama down ? (翻译:You got the act and drama down)
7. You can act the way others want you to act. (翻译:你可以表现出别人想要的样子 You can act the way others want you to act.)
8. And this was evidence that was excluded from the trial because it was considered prejudicial? (翻译:这证据因为会引起偏见 当时已被法庭排除了是吗)
9. It would be highly prejudicial to us to acknowledge the existence of a serial killer. (翻译:承认一个连环杀手的存在 对我们来说非常不利)
10. I think this is an act of terrorism. (翻译:我认为这次是恐怖袭击 I think this is an act of terrorism.)
11. ♪ Act like a broken doll ♪ (翻译:♪ Act like a broken doll ♪)
12. Act natural, totally natural. (翻译:自然点,就像往常一样。Act natural, totally natural.)
13. The-the "N" word is a dirty, filthy word, Your Honor. (翻译:这个词带有偏见和煽动性 It is so prejudicial and inflammatory 在任何场合下使用 that the use of it in any situation)
14. I must act as their conscience. (翻译:我必须主持公道 I must act as their conscience.)
15. Meaning that his was an act of silent protest against city officials. (翻译:Meaning that his was an act of silent protest against city officials.)