primary amniotic cavity是什么意思 primary amniotic cavity的中文翻译、读音、例句

primary amniotic cavity是什么意思 primary amniotic cavity的中文翻译、读音、例句

primary amniotic cavity的中文解释是"原羊膜腔",在英美地区还有"原羊膜腔"的意思,在线读音是[primaryamnioticcavity],primary amniotic cavity常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到30个与primary amniotic cavity相关的句子。

Primary amniotic cavity的词典翻译


例句:The relativity of amniotic fluid contamination with newborns pustulosis occurrence and intervention on this disease (羊水污染与新生儿脓疱疮发生的相关性及干预措施)


primary amniotic cavity一般作为名词使用,如在false amniotic cavity([医] 假羊膜腔)、secondary amniotic cavity(后成羊膜腔)、amniotic(羊膜的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

false amniotic cavity[医] 假羊膜腔
secondary amniotic cavity后成羊膜腔
primary body cavity[医] 原体腔
primary marrow cavity初级骨髓腔
primary nasal cavity[医] 原鼻腔
primary tympanic cavity[医] 原鼓室
navel amniotic羊膜脐


1. I am taking a wire the width of a hair and maneuvering it through the mom's abdomen, into the uterus, and then through the amniotic cavity, and then into the tiny fetus' chest, into an insanely tiny heart, to save a tiny human. (翻译:我利用细如发丝的线 穿过母亲的腹部 到达子宫 经由羊膜腔 进入胚胎的小胸腔)

2. Objective To observe the application of amniotic membrane in conjunctival sac plasty. (翻译:目的总结羊膜在结膜囊成形术中的应用及临床疗效。)

3. As you lay immersed in a bath of amniotic fluid, your temperature was a comfortable 37 degrees. (翻译:当我们浸泡在羊水中时 体温处于最舒适的37度)

4. Results Amniotic membrane xenograft grown well. (翻译:结果羊膜移植片生长良好。)

5. Lack of spray around the orbital cavity indicates precision. (翻译:眼眶上的盐酸量很少 Lack of spray around the orbital cavity 说明凶手做事精准 indicates precision.)

6. There are two placentas and two separate amniotic sacs, each with its own membrane. (翻译:有两个胎盘和两个分隔的羊膜囊,各自有自己的外膜层包裹。)

7. Edgehill primary at the end of the year... (翻译:年末关闭爱丁山小学 Edgehill primary at the end of the year...)

8. Sequential changes of the component of the amniotic embolism in the pulmonary arteriole of rabbit and its significance (翻译:兔肺小动脉内羊水栓塞成分的时序变化及其意义)

9. Necks and gizzards and livers have to be cleaned and stuffed into a cavity. (翻译:火鸡的脖子,砂囊和肝脏需要进行清理并填回腹腔。)

10. A petition for primary custody? (翻译:! 申请监护权 A petition for primary custody?)

11. the reservoir pore type of Xing'anling Group is mainly the primary pore, followed by the crack-cavity pore. (翻译:兴安岭群储层孔隙类型主要为原生孔隙,其次为缝洞孔隙。)

12. There are two pleurae in the chest cavity and their job is to protect and cushion the lung by secreting fluid that allows the lung to move smoothly within the chest cavity when breathing. (翻译:胸腔两层胸膜,它们通过分泌液体保护和缓冲肺脏使得肺可以随呼吸在胸腔里平稳的运动。)

13. What am I, Captain Cavity? (翻译:我是谁 蛀牙队长吗? What am I, Captain Cavity?)

14. The primary somatosensory cortex. (翻译:这是初级体感皮层 The primary somatosensory cortex.)

15. Objective To discuss the forensic identification and significance of amniotic fluid embolism (AFE). (翻译:目的探讨羊水栓塞致死的法医学鉴定和意义。)

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