principle of taxation是什么意思 principle of taxation的中文翻译、读音、例句

principle of taxation是什么意思 principle of taxation的中文翻译、读音、例句

principle of taxation的意思是"赋税原理",作为名词时有"赋税原理"的意思,发音音标为[principleoftaxation],principle of taxation是一个英语名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到14个与principle of taxation相关的句子。

Principle of taxation的中文翻译


例句:Internet purveyors have, for far too long, in my opinion, enjoyed the benefits of no taxation. (网络运营商 在我看来 长久以来 都享受着无税的好处)


principle of taxation一般作为名词使用,如在taxation(征税 )、in principle(原则上, 大体上)、of principle(有原则的)等常见短语中出现较多。

in principle原则上, 大体上
of principle有原则的
on principle根据原则
the principle原理; 原则
the principle of[网络] 的原则;原则功能
direct taxation[经] 直接征税
dual taxation双重征税
double taxation[经] 重复课税


1. There are plans afoot to increase taxation. (翻译:正在拟订增税方案。)

2. It is the principle, Bernard. (翻译:这是原则问题 伯纳 It is the principle, Bernard.)

3. There are also securities heritance taxation and securities bequeathal taxation in relation with the china securities taxation. (翻译:第六章是对我国证券税收法律制度的构建提出一些设想。)

4. Child care is a principle. (翻译:儿童医护是原则问题。Child care is a principle.)

5. I'm simply stating my opinion about the taxation of Web commerce. (翻译:我陈述了我对网络贸易税收 问题的看法而已)

6. No, the thing about government is principle. (翻译:不 政府要的是原则 No, the thing about government Is principle.)

7. Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context. (翻译:征税原则上不受大众欢迎,只是联系背景看是可接受的。)

8. The party is offering low taxation as its main enticement. (翻译:这个党正提出低税收,以此作为其主要的诱人举措。)

9. Have you ever known a civil servant resign on a matter of principle? (翻译:你有听过公务员为原则问题辞职吗? Have you known a civil servant resign on principle?)

10. The basis is the same principle of our reactive principle. (翻译:- 它的理论基础就是我们那个反作用的原理。)

11. - But you do agree with the principle? (翻译:但你从原则上赞成? 当然 毫无疑问的 But you do agree with the principle?)

12. that while the proposal met with broad approval in principle, some of the principles were sufficiently fundamental in principle and some of the considerations so complex and finely balanced in practice that in principle it was proposed that the sensible and prudent practice (翻译:尽管提案纲领得到广泛认可 while the proposal met with broad approval in principle, 某些原则理论原则上可行 some of the principles were fundamental in principle 某些方面太复杂 在实践中需要微妙的平衡 and some of the considerations balanced in practice)

13. So taxation is a source of knowledge, and that's what we need the most right now. (翻译:征税是一个知识信息源, 是我们现在最需要的。)

14. All of that is possible, but only if you follow a related principle: the Liskov Substitution principle. (翻译:所有这些都是可能的,只要你能够遵循一个相关的原则:Liskov替代原则。)

15. There is a moral principle involved. (翻译:但得承认 这事关道德原则 There is a moral principle involved.)

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