principle of acceleration在中文中有"加速原理"的意思,其次还有"加速原理"的意思,在线发音:[principleofacceleration],principle of acceleration来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到25个与principle of acceleration相关的例句。
Principle of acceleration的中文翻译
例句:- Principle, Humphrey, principle. (Principle, Humphrey, principle.)
principle of acceleration一般作为名词使用,如在acceleration(加速 )、shock acceleration acceleration(冲击加速度)、in principle(原则上, 大体上)等常见短语中出现较多。
acceleration | 加速 |
shock acceleration acceleration | 冲击加速度 |
in principle | 原则上, 大体上 |
of principle | 有原则的 |
on principle | 根据原则 |
the principle | 原理; 原则 |
the principle of | [网络] 的原则;原则功能 |
differential acceleration | 差别促进 |
downward acceleration | 自由落体加速度 |
1. No tampering with the structure to make it more docile... and no growth acceleration. (翻译:基因未曾驯化成较温和 而且也不经加速成长处理)
2. The basis is the same principle of our reactive principle. (翻译:- 它的理论基础就是我们那个反作用的原理。)
3. Your principle is to fight to win.. ..and my principle is to fight for the truth. (翻译:你的原则是要打赢官司 而我的原则是为真相而战)
4. During acceleration, it needs to stay perfectly level and provide... (翻译:在加速过程中 它要保持平稳 并提供...)
5. So it measures acceleration, angular acceleration -- like a human ear, inner ear. (翻译:它测量加速度,角加速度-- 就像人耳,内耳。)
6. So when the children see this, they say, "Ah! Acceleration," remembering back four months when they did their cars sideways, and they start measuring to find out what kind of acceleration it is. (翻译:孩子们看到这个 他们就会说 这不就是加速吗 因为他们记得四个月前做过汽车的实验 并且动手去测量 看到底加速是如何演进的)
7. GPU acceleration and hardware compositing. (翻译:GPU加速和硬件合成。)
8. - A question of principle. (翻译:这是原则问题 原则? A question of principle.)
9. A Study of Acceleration Sensor Based Modelingand Control for Leadscrew Drive System (翻译:基于加速度传感器的丝杠传动系统建模及控制研究)
10. The acceleration product stereotypia, causes the product both not to change form and the synaeresis ; (翻译:加速产品的定形,使产品既不变形又不缩水;)
11. that while the proposal met with broad approval in principle, some of the principles were sufficiently fundamental in principle and some of the considerations so complex and finely balanced in practice that in principle it was proposed that the sensible and prudent practice (翻译:尽管提案纲领得到广泛认可 while the proposal met with broad approval in principle, 某些原则理论原则上可行 some of the principles were fundamental in principle 某些方面太复杂 在实践中需要微妙的平衡 and some of the considerations balanced in practice)
12. So when the children see this, they say, "Ah! Acceleration," remembering back four months when they did their cars sideways, and they start measuring to find out what kind of acceleration it is. (翻译:孩子们看到这个 他们就会说 这不就是加速吗 因为他们记得四个月前做过汽车的实验 并且动手去测量 看到底加速是如何演进的 )
13. The principle of orality is established as a basic principle in modern civil Procedural law. (翻译:言词原则是近代民事诉讼法确立的一项重要原则。)
14. The first thing is that we have seen this ongoing process of exponential acceleration. (翻译:第一,我们已经目睹了这一进程 指数爆炸式的增长速度。)
15. The principle has now been effectively conceeded by most of them. (翻译:法则已经被他们大部分人所认可 The principle has now been effectively conceded by most of them)