profiling是什么意思 profiling的中文翻译、读音、例句

profiling是什么意思 profiling的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:profiling 是指通过分析个人或群体的特征和行为,以建立对其进行评估或推断的资料库或档案。尤其指警方或安全部门通过犯罪嫌疑人背景、行为模式等信息来推断嫌疑人的特征、潜在危险性等。



- racial profiling 种族歧视

- criminal profiling 犯罪嫌疑人分析

- psychological profiling 心理分析

- behavioral profiling 行为分析

- risk profiling 风险分析




1. Racial profiling is a discriminatory practice that should be eliminated in law enforcement. (种族歧视是一种歧视性做法,应该在执法中被消除。)

2. The FBI uses criminal profiling to help solve complex cases such as serial murders. (联邦调查局利用犯罪嫌疑人分析来帮助解决诸如串连杀人等复杂案件。)

3. The company hired a consultant to conduct risk profiling for their investment portfolio. (公司雇佣了一位咨询师来对他们的投资组合进行风险分析。)

4. Behavioral profiling can help identify potential terrorist threats before they occur. (行为分析可以帮助在恐怖主义威胁发生之前识别潜在的威胁。)

5. The police used psychological profiling to narrow down the suspect list in the kidnapping case. (警方利用心理分析来缩小绑架案嫌疑人名单。)

6. The use of racial profiling by immigration officers has been widely criticized. (移民官员使用种族歧视性做法受到广泛批评。)

7. Risk profiling can provide valuable insights into an individual's investment personality. (风险分析可以为个人的投资性格提供有价值的见解。)



- 个人或物品描述

- 特征分析

- 画像


1. Profiling is an important tool for law enforcement to identify potential suspects. (犯罪嫌疑人画像是执法部门识别潜在嫌疑人的重要工具。)

2. The data collected from profiling can be used to make informed decisions. (通过画像收集的数据可以用来做出明智的决策。)

3. The accuracy of profiling has been debated in the field of psychology for years. (画像的准确性在心理学领域已经争论了多年。)

4. Racial profiling is a controversial issue in many countries. (种族画像在许多国家引发争议。)

5. The suspect matched the profiling description provided by the police. (嫌疑人符合警方提供的画像描述。)

6. Profiling software is commonly used in marketing to target specific audiences. (画像软件常用于市场营销中以针对特定受众。)

7. The accuracy of profiling can be improved with more data and better analysis techniques. (更多的数据和更好的分析技术可以提高画像的准确性。)

8. Profiling is often used in clinical psychology to diagnose personality disorders. (画像经常用于临床心理学中诊断人格障碍。)

9. The suspect denied that he matched the profiling description provided by the police. (嫌疑人否认自己符合警方提供的画像描述。)




1. Police used profiling techniques to identify the suspect in the recent burglary case.(警方使用特征分析技术来确定最近入室盗窃案的嫌疑人。)

2. The school conducted a student profiling survey to better understand their needs and interests.(学校进行了一项学生特征分析调查,以更好地了解学生的需求和兴趣。)

3. Racial profiling is a controversial issue in law enforcement.(种族特征分析是执法中的一个有争议的问题。)




例句:This is textbook racial profiling... and I'd be more than happy to call the ACLU or the government... (这是典型的种族脸谱化 我很乐意给美国公民自由协会或政府打个电话...)


例句:This article introduced you to the current tools and technologies most commonly used for profiling and discussed some of their limitations. (这篇文章介绍了监测目前最常用的工具和技术,并讨论了它们的一些局限性。)


例句:From 1997 through 2002, Ruderman aggressively covered Trenton and broke several major stories about racial profiling by the New Jersey State Police. (xx年至xx年期间,鲁德尔曼极具攻势地报道了特伦顿市的种族定性事件,披露了新泽西州警察相关举动的一些事件。)


例句:We know that in profiling humans, these technologies are always going to be biased and are never really going to be accurate. (翻译:我们知道在这方面, 这些技术总是有偏见的, 结果也永远不可能准确。)


profiling一般作为名词、动词使用,如在DNA profiling(n. 遗传指纹分析\n[网络] 基因图谱;脱氧核糖核酸剖析)、electric profiling(电测剖面)、electrical profiling(电剖面法)等常见短语中出现较多。

DNA profilingn. 遗传指纹分析\n[网络] 基因图谱;脱氧核糖核酸剖析
electric profiling电测剖面
electrical profiling电剖面法
face profiling端面仿形车削,端面靠模车削
facial profiling[网络] 面部剖析
function profiling函数侧描
genetic profilingn. 遗传识别
horizontal profiling水平剖面测量
job profiling[网络] 岗位描述


1. From 1997 through 2002, Ruderman aggressively covered Trenton and broke several major stories about racial profiling by the New Jersey State Police. (翻译:xx年至xx年期间,鲁德尔曼极具攻势地报道了特伦顿市的种族定性事件,披露了新泽西州警察相关举动的一些事件。)

2. We know that in profiling humans, these technologies are always going to be biased and are never really going to be accurate. (翻译:我们知道在这方面, 这些技术总是有偏见的, 结果也永远不可能准确。)

3. Here is where profiling comes in. (翻译:这就是剖析的用武之地。)

4. And the training on profiling that Chief Park Sang Hyun mentioned won't be a separate dedicated training. (翻译:至于朴尚贤说的犯罪心理分析学习 不会占用两位业余的时间)

5. In fact, more genetic profiling told us that this tumor in Jonas actually probably first arose from the cells of a female Tasmanian devil -- and Jonas was clearly a male. (翻译:更多的基因图谱 告诉我们乔纳斯的肿瘤 可能最先来自于 一个雌袋獾 而乔纳斯是雄性)

6. Note: Callsite information isn't used in Listing 2 because the information isn't necessary for this profiling application. (翻译:注意:在清单 2 中并没有使用调用 Callsite 信息,因为这些信息对于分析程序来说是不必要的。)

7. RNA-Seq is a recently developed approach to transcriptome profiling that uses deep-sequencing technologies. (翻译:RNA的序列是最近制定的办法,利用转录貌相深测序技术。)

8. Many profiling tools can collect PMC data. (翻译:许多分析工具都可以收集PMC数据。)

9. It's the remaining one percent that contains the variables used in linguistic profiling. (翻译:剩下的百分之一 包含了语言分析所使用的变量)

10. We've just been pulled over on Interstate 55, and I think it's a result of profiling. (翻译:我们刚在55号洲际公路被拦下了 我觉得我们被他想当然地定性了)

11. We are starting to trust technologies when it comes to profiling human beings. (翻译:我们正在放心大胆的 用各种技术对人类信息进行分析。)

12. And you'll learn profiling skills you will absolutely need as field agents. (翻译:你们也会跟她学到作为现场干员 应该掌握的基本心理分析法)

13. Exactly the same kinds of issues arose in the early days of DNA profiling, when scientists, and lawyers and in some cases judges, routinely misrepresented evidence. (翻译:完全相同类型的问题每天都出现在DNA的测绘中 科学家 律师 有些情况下甚至法官 都会错误地解释证据 )

14. Psyco currently does not perform any sort of internal statistics or profiling, and does only minimal optimization of generated machine code. (翻译:Psyco现在不执行任何类型的内部统计或概要分析,只对生成的机器码进行最小优化。)

15. From kernel 2. 6 on, OProfile is the suggested tool for profiling the code. (翻译:从2.6版本的内核开始,OProfile已经成为对代码进行优化分析的推荐工具。)



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