prolatus是什么意思 prolatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

prolatus是什么意思 prolatus的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Units Used to Display Long , Lat , Declination , Ecliptic. (单位长常常显示,拉特,偏差,黄道。)


prolatus一般作为名词使用,如在gymnothorax prolatus(长身裸胸鯙;长身裸胸鳝;钱鳗;薯鳗;虎鳗)等常见短语中出现较多。

gymnothorax prolatus长身裸胸鯙;长身裸胸鳝;钱鳗;薯鳗;虎鳗


1. Halping ma comaS with a prica, and I waSn't about to lat you do that. (翻译:帮助我是要付出代价的 所以我不打算让你这么做)

2. Quanto serra il pro- pro-pros-prossimo. (翻译:Quanto serra il pro pro -pros)

3. And it's worth probably about three MacBook Pros. (翻译:这件仿制品大概与三本Macbook Pro等值。)

4. Americans have always been very pro business, pro competition, pro free market. (翻译:美国人一向很支持商业,支持竞争,支持自由市场。)

5. I am pro-growth and pro-infrastructure for Alaska, but not at the expense of the American taxpayer. (翻译:支持基础设施建设 但不能以花纳税人的钱为代价)

6. PRO occurs in the subject position of infinitive clauses. Therefore, whether there is finite and nonfinite distinction in Chinese is the key issue concerning the existence of PRO in Mandarin Chinese. (翻译:由于PRO出现在非限定句的主语位置,因此汉语中是否存在定式与不定式的区别,是判定汉语中有无PRO存在的关键。)

7. Absolutely not pro-democrats (翻译:绝对不是民运份子 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Absolutely not pro -democrats)

8. Or, are you absolutely and uncompromisingly pro-war, pro-life, pro-death penalty, a believer that the Second Amendment is absolute, anti-immigrant and pro-business? (翻译:或者你是绝对完全毫无妥协地 支持战争,反堕胎,认可死刑, 坚信第二修正案至高无上, 反移民,认可重商主义? )

9. Objective Researching the correlation between A-P and lat eral BMD of lumbar spine. (翻译:目的探讨腰椎前后位、侧位骨密度值之间的相关性。)

10. Comrade Chen, in order to arrest pro-democrats (翻译:in order to arrest pro -democrats)

11. This pro-aging trance is what stops us from agitating about these things. (翻译:这亲老化恍惚常常妨碍人们解决老化这个问题。)

12. However, TinyChat videos disappear second by second, never to be seen again unless the user in question has a pro account. (翻译:不过TinyChat的视频无法录制,除非用户拥有pro账号。)

13. - Okay paint-ballers, time to go pro. (翻译:够了 小朋友们 该动真格了 Okay, paintballers, time to go pro.)

14. And it's worth probably about three MacBook Pros. (翻译:这件仿制品大概与三本Macbook Pro等值。)

15. Ana DE Pro, chief financial officer. (翻译:首席财务官——ana de pro。)

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