prominence flare是什么意思 prominence flare的中文翻译、读音、例句

prominence flare是什么意思 prominence flare的中文翻译、读音、例句

prominence flare的中文解释是"日珥闪焰",还有日珥闪焰的意思,读音为[prominenceflare],prominence flare是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到52个与prominence flare相关的例句。

Prominence flare的翻译


例句:They found us, took Walt, because you made me fire the flare. (他们找到我们,抓走他 都是因为你逼我发射照明弹)


prominence flare一般作为名词使用,如在moving prominence flare([天] 活动日珥型耀斑)、stationary prominence flare(稳定日珥型耀斑)、prominence(突出 )等常见短语中出现较多。

moving prominence flare[天] 活动日珥型耀斑
stationary prominence flare稳定日珥型耀斑
equatorial prominence赤道日珥
eruptive prominence爆发日珥
frontal prominence额隆
frontonasal prominence额鼻突
funnel prominence漏斗状日珥


1. Conn-torpedo. Request permission to arm flare, sir. (翻译:鱼雷舱呼叫指挥舱 要求准予发射信号弹,长官)

2. I saw the flare from the beach and then the flare from Sawyer's position in the jungle. (翻译:我看到沙滩发射的信号火箭 然后看到索伊尔在丛林里 发射的信号)

3. We need to create a signal flare. (翻译:我们要做个信号弹 We need to create a signal flare.)

4. And then the trees tend to flare out into platform-like areas at the top. (翻译:这些树会向外伸展,在顶部形成一个平台。)

5. I've got a flare gun and a couple of flares. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs20\3cH6C3300}我有一个照明弹枪, 还有两个...)

6. That planet around Proxima Centauri, last year it got blasted by a flare. (翻译:围绕比邻星的那颗行星, 去年被一个耀斑烤焦了。)

7. It won't be long before the Flare wash out the rest of us. (翻译:在闪焰冲击我们剩余的人前不会有太多时间了)

8. "If there's a major flare, they're at risk, " Stanford's Scherrer said. (翻译:谢瑞说:“倘若大耀斑爆发,他们就有危险了。”)

9. Or we take these flare guns (翻译:...被抛弃 还是拿着这个武器做些真正愚蠢的事)

10. This was in the plane's toolbox. There's only one flare. (翻译:这是在飞机的工具箱找到的 里面只有一发信号弹)

11. Are you sure this is The best time for a flare-up of Chuck fever? (翻译:你确定这是对Chuck重燃爱火的最佳时机?)

12. Because it is the explosive flare of a match that feeds our souls. (翻译:因为只有点燃我们生命中的火柴 才能让我们的灵魂得以滋养 蒂娜)

13. Quantitative determination of aqueous flare and cells in the eyes of patients with inflammation of anterior uvea (翻译:前葡萄膜炎患者房水闪辉和炎性细胞的定量测量)

14. It's not wrong to put such a beautiful portrait in a place of prominence. (翻译:把这么英俊的肖像 放在突出的位置有什么错)

15. Jenn, come on, if you wanted a flare, I could've picked up a pen flare. (翻译:爵,来吧,如果你想 火炬,我可能已经拾起 笔耀斑,)

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