prophage mediated conversion是什么意思 prophage mediated conversion的中

prophage mediated conversion是什么意思 prophage mediated conversion的中

prophage mediated conversion在英语中代表"变型、的"的意思,作为名词时有"原噬菌体介入"的意思,发音是[prophagemediatedconversion],prophage mediated conversion常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到92个与prophage mediated conversion相关的例句。

Prophage mediated conversion的词典翻译


例句:The activation of leukocyte mediated by the cytokinesis the direct result of SIRS. (由炎性细胞因子介导的白细胞活化就是SIRS的直接结果。)


例句:The effects of composites on the conversion rates of the polymerization are observ… (还考察了原位聚合法对聚合转化率的影响。)


例句:Code conversion to multibyte encodings. (代码转换成多字节编码。)


prophage mediated conversion一般作为名词使用,如在prophage([医] 前噬菌体)、mediated(vt. 仲裁, 调停;调解(mediate的过去式及过去分词形式))、prophage interference(原噬菌体干扰)等常见短语中出现较多。

prophage[医] 前噬菌体
mediatedvt. 仲裁, 调停;调解(mediate的过去式及过去分词形式)
prophage interference原噬菌体干扰
prophage map[病毒] 原噬菌体图
prophage subsitution原噬菌体置换
mediated content中介式内容
mediated generalization【心理学】 = generalization
mediated interaction中介式互动
mediated reality[媒体]中介真实


1. Code conversion to multibyte encodings. (翻译:代码转换成多字节编码。)

2. The characteristic and the thermodynamical tristate conversion of ABS are described. (翻译:阐述了ABS的特性和热力学三态转化的状况; )

3. Will the mutual annihilation and conversion to pure energy destroy the world? (翻译:它们的相互湮灭会转化为纯粹的能量而毁灭世界吗? )

4. The ferule is used for conversion, tonsure, ordination and parlance. (翻译:戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。)

5. And this is called NOTES, and this is coming -- basically scarless surgery, as mediated by robotic surgery. (翻译:这就叫做NOTES,这就是-- 基本无疤手术, 通过机器人手术来实现。)

6. He mediated the conflict and used his influence to grant their claims. (翻译:他介入冲突并运用自己的影响力 He mediated the conflict and used his influence to 批准他们的要求。grant their claims.)

7. The variation of monomer conversion with reaction time and that of molecular weight with monomer conversion were investigated in detail. (翻译:详细考察了单体转化与反应时间、产物分子量及分子量分布间的关系。)

8. Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide attenuates the neurotoxicity mediated by nitric oxide (翻译:垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活肽减轻一氧化氮介导的谷氨酸神经毒作用)

9. Almighty hexadecimal conversion, encoding conversion, MD5 cracking in support of Thunderbolt, Express, Cyclones dedicated link conversion. (翻译:全能进制转换、编码转换、MD5破解、支持迅雷、快车、旋风专用链接转换。)

10. This particular drawing is of a process called clathrin-mediated endocytosis. (翻译:这幅图描述的是这样一个过程, 它叫网格蛋白介质的内吞。)

11. Conversion from latitude/longitude to UTM (翻译:将经纬度转换为 UTM )

12. Not all food allergies are mediated by IgE. (翻译:不过,并非所有食物过敏都是由IgE介导的。)

13. Construction and Application of an Intein- mediated Prokaryotic Expression and Purification Vector (翻译:蛋白内含子介导纯化的表达载体的构建及应用)

14. ECE, energy conversion efficiency. (翻译:-催化剂,就是能量转换剂 -哦 -ECE, energy conversion efficiency.)

15. Improved conversion and reversion framework. (翻译:概念的转化和反转架构。)

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