protominimalists是什么意思 protominimalists的中文翻译、读音、例句

protominimalists是什么意思 protominimalists的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:This proto-Sinaitic alphabet of consonants was pictographic, yet each pictograph represents a sound rather than a thing or idea. (虽然这种辅音音素字母属于象形文字,但是其只表音,不指物也不表意。)

例句:He was influenced by the minimalists in the 1970s. (他受到了20世纪xx年代那些极简抽象派艺术家们的影响。)


1. We can even use the same process to go back one step further, and trace the origins of Proto-Germanic to a language called Proto-Indo-European, spoken about 6000 years ago on the Pontic steppe in modern day Ukraine and Russia. (翻译:我们甚至可以用同样的办法再往前跨一步 追溯到古日耳曼语来源于古印欧语 这种古印欧语来自xx年前的东欧大草原 也就是今天的乌克兰和俄罗斯地区 )

2. The proto-scientists did not spring into being as paid-up believers in modern materialism and rationality. (翻译:早期科学家不会瞬间就变成现代唯物主义和理性原理的信奉者。)

3. Lower in the social scale were probably the proto -Australoid type with Negroid features and bunched curly hair. (翻译:其次可能是原始的澳大利亚土著居民,他们有着黑人的面貌特征和束状的鬈曲头发。)

4. This proto-Sinaitic alphabet of consonants was pictographic, yet each pictograph represents a sound rather than a thing or idea. (翻译:虽然这种辅音音素字母属于象形文字,但是其只表音,不指物也不表意。)

5. As such, Calvin now possess the means to interact with its environment, including the use of what appear to be proto-appendages. (翻译:因此,卡尔文现在 拥有这些方法与环境互动 包括使用类似 原始皮肤的东西)

6. Stretching over a million years, the hand axe tradition is the longest artistic tradition in human and proto-human history. (翻译:延绵超过一百万年, 手斧传统 是人类和原始人历史上 最长时间的艺术传统。£ )

7. It is this proto-Sinaitic alphabet that really marks the starting point, the root of numerous modern-day alphabets, from Arabic and Hebrew to Greek and Latin. (翻译:正是这种原始西奈字母开创了今日无数的字母表,比如阿拉伯语、希伯来语、希腊语和拉丁语字母表。)

8. Proto-Elamitepreceded a partially deciphered script, Linear Elamite, used in thesame area 750 years later. (翻译:原始埃兰文字之后,大概过了xx年,线形埃兰文字成为该地区的语言,该文字目前已经部分破译。)

9. The earliest of these Proto-Dogs or Wolf-Dogs, seem to have appeared around 33,000 years ago, and would not have looked all that different from their wild cousins. (翻译:这些原始狗或者狼狗最早 出现于约三万三千年前, 而且不会和它们的野生同胞有太大差异。)

10. Persia's earliest known kingdom was the proto- Elamite Empire, followed by the Medes; (翻译:波斯最早的王国是随着米底人而来的原始埃兰帝国。)

11. Instead, what we have here are the proto-SMEs these are the fertile seeds of businesses and enterprises that keep the engines running. (翻译:我们所看见的 实则是中小型企业原型, 这些是含苞待放的生意,行业, 是使经济引擎运作的根本。)

12. The KRAS proto-oncogene product lies downstream of EGFR, and the mutation frees the receptor from normal regulation in cell-growth control. (翻译:原癌基因KRAS是表皮生长因子受体下游产物,它的突变使其不受在细胞生长控制中正常调节的受体影响。)

13. But this is not the same as being a kind of proto-science. (翻译:但是这也并不意味着他们在处理一个科学雏形问题。)

14. Instead, a formation deep within the proto-Galaxy or within dark-matter mini-haloes might be favoured. (翻译:相反,形成深处原始星系或在暗物质小晕可能受到青睐。)

15. And he viewed proto-shamanism as a kind of original attempt, through ritual, to rekindle a connection that had been irrevocably lost. (翻译:他把萨满教视为一种初始的尝试, 通过仪式,去恢复一种联系 这种联系已经无可挽回地丧失了。)

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