provisional byssus是什么意思 provisional byssus的中文翻译、读音、例句

provisional byssus是什么意思 provisional byssus的中文翻译、读音、例句

provisional byssus通常被翻译为"足丝"的意思,在英美地区还有"足丝"的意思,在线发音:[provisionalbyssus],provisional byssus来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到41个与provisional byssus相关的例句。

Provisional byssus的释义


例句:An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officially approved the arrest. (米德维尔警官的逮捕是临时性的,直到警官将嫌疑人带到警察局,值班指挥官正式批准逮捕为止。)


provisional byssus一般作为名词使用,如在byssus(足丝 )、provisional(临时的 )、provisional acceptance(临时接受)等常见短语中出现较多。

provisional acceptance临时接受
provisional account[经] 临时帐户
provisional administrator临时管理人
provisional agenda[法] 临时议税
provisional agreement[法] 临时协议, 临时协定
provisional allowance[财]预支款
provisional apprehension[法] 拘留, 暂时拘捕


1. In the name of the provisional government... I invite you to discuss with us the proposals for a constitution. (翻译:我以助理长官的名义 邀请你和我们讨论宪法修改)

2. The booking is only provisional. (翻译:这只是暂定的预订。)

3. The effective ingredient dissolving byssus is hypochlorite ion. (翻译:导致足丝溶解的有效成分是次氯酸根。)

4. U.S. officials have asked Hong Kong to detain the former contractor on a provisional arrest warrant. (翻译:美国官员已要求香港... 以临时逮捕状拘留这名嫌犯)

5. Er, Perhap-perhaps... er, we could moot a provisional sum... as a basis for on-going negotiation. (翻译:也许... ... 实际上我们可以先拟一个临时的数目)

6. CA: OK, so these are provisional numbers, no pricing guarantee. (翻译:安德森:好吧,这些都是预估的数字,实际可有差异啊。)

7. The alert is not a warrant, but Interpol says that many countries consider it 'a valid request for provisional arrest. ' (翻译:警报不是逮捕令,但国际刑警组织说,很多成员国将其视作“执行临时逮捕的有效请求”。)

8. The jawbone from which he had the crucial DNA extracted is now back with the rest of the Unknown Sailor’s remains, and there are provisional plans to bury the man in Geraldton. (翻译:提取出原始DNA的颌骨如今已经回到无名水兵的遗骨里,同时,有各种暂时性的计划打算把这个人埋在杰拉尔顿。)

9. Mulet was also careful to note that these percentages are provisional, and that public benchmarking data would be published in the near future. (翻译:Mulet还小心谨慎的指出,该百分比是临时性的,公共基准数据很快就会公布。)

10. Which means I can get my provisional and start driving by myself. (翻译:也就是说 我可以拿临时驾照 开始自己开车了)

11. The Constituent Assembly has elected as provisional head of the republic, after... only a few sessions, the Neapolitan jurist and politician Enrico De Nicola. (翻译:国民代表大会仅开几次会 就选出共和国临时领袖... 那不勒斯法学家和政治家 恩里科・德尼科拉)

12. The provisional government currently considers northern Minnesota to be a potential safe zone. (翻译:临时 政府目前认为 明尼苏达州北部 是一个潜在的安全区.)

13. You're to reinforce the sheds to make provisional shelter. (翻译:- 唉 我要你负责组织一些人 尽快把花园里的棚子搭成坚固的避难所)

14. These times are provisional and subject to confirmation. (翻译:这些期限是暂定的,还有待确认。)

15. Provisional results put Jude Celestin second in the first round to the former first lady. (翻译:临时结果显示,第一轮投票中汝德•塞莱斯廷仅次于前第一夫人。)

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