pseudolimax williamsi是什么意思 pseudolimax williamsi的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudolimax williamsi是什么意思 pseudolimax williamsi的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudolimax williamsi在英语中代表"布、医"的意思,其中文解释还有"氏嗜碘变形虫"的意思,发音是[pseudolimaxwilliamsi],pseudolimax williamsi在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到59个与pseudolimax williamsi相关的例句。

Pseudolimax williamsi的释义


例句:Esther Williams, look at that. (Esther Williams, 看好了)


例句:Oh, no, it's Robin Williams. (哦,不,这是Robin Williams。)


例句:So I came because I may know of a way for Max to make some extra money. (我来这里是因为我可能 So I came because I may know of a way 有办法让Max赚一些外快 for Max to make some extra money.)


例句:Our best bet is to find Kate Williams. (翻译:我们最好的选择还是找到Kate Williams Our best bet is to find Kate Williams.)


pseudolimax williamsi一般作为名词使用,如在Pseudolimax williamsi([医] 布[奇利]氏嗜碘变形虫)、pseudolimax([医] 布[奇利]氏嗜碘变形虫)、frankliniella williamsi(玉米蓟马)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pseudolimax williamsi[医] 布[奇利]氏嗜碘变形虫
pseudolimax[医] 布[奇利]氏嗜碘变形虫
frankliniella williamsi玉米蓟马


1. So I came because I may know of a way for Max to make some extra money. (翻译:我来这里是因为我可能 So I came because I may know of a way 有办法让Max赚一些外快 for Max to make some extra money.)

2. Our best bet is to find Kate Williams. (翻译:我们最好的选择还是找到Kate Williams Our best bet is to find Kate Williams.)

3. But I have to be upfront with Max. (翻译:必须跟Max一起在前面 But I have to be upfront with Max.)

4. I was just about to take a tray of Max and Carolines out to my reporter friends. (翻译:I was just about to take a tray Max和Carolines酒招待我的记者朋友们 of Max and Carolines out to my reporter friends.)

5. Earl, guess what Max and I did. (翻译:Earl 你猜我和Max干了什么 Earl, guess what Max and I did.)

6. Max, you are not doing it. (翻译:Max 你不能做 Max, you are not doing it.)

7. Okay, Max and I have some really exciting news. (翻译:好了 Max和我有个非常好的消息 Okay, Max and I have some really exciting news.)

8. Max, I told you pirating movies was a real crime. (翻译:Max 我都说盗印电影是犯罪了 Max, I told you pirating movies was a real crime.)

9. Hillary Scott and Pharrell Williams. (翻译:Hillary Scott以及Pharrell Williams)

10. And I finally stopped putting up a fight and let Max walk around naked. (翻译:还有就是我终于不再反对 And I finally stopped putting up a fight 同意让Max在街上裸奔 and let Max walk around naked.)

11. Because, Milly, it's your life. (翻译:in a Tennessee Williams play.)

12. I was sitting next to you, Max. (翻译:Max 坐你旁边的人是我 I was sitting next to you, Max.)

13. Max, you and I are going to role-play. (翻译:Max 你和我进行角色扮演 Max, you and I are going to role)

14. Max, I need two lavender macaroons. (翻译:Max 我需要两份薰衣草杏仁饼干 Max, I need two lavender macaroons.)

15. - Dr. Max weinrib. I like the name Max. (翻译:- Max weinrib医生. 我喜欢Max这个名字.)

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