例句:Also, I stopped asking permission for stuff when I turned 70. (这地方又空着 this space was available. 而且 自从我到了xx岁 Also, I stopped asking permission for stuff)
例句:I can take a Soyuz rocket to the International Space Station. (乘坐联盟号火箭上国际空间站了 I can take a Soyuz rocket to the International Space Station.)
1. The study of distortion products otoacoustic emissions in pseudo-anacousia; (翻译:目的探讨畸变产物耳声发射对伪聋的诊断价值。)
2. Better than the Space-mountain, Santa Claus, (翻译:胜过过山车 圣诞圆舞曲 Le space -mountain, la ronde du Père -Noël,)
3. And don't take my word for it, because the European Space Agency and Swiss Space Center are sponsoring this exact concept. (翻译:这不是我随便说说而已, 欧洲航天局和瑞士航天局 已经在资助这个想法了。)
4. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (翻译:美国宇航局戈达德宇宙航行中心 )
5. Pseudo-Volkmann's contracture due to tethering of flexor digitorum profundus (翻译:指深屈肌腱粘连致假性缺血性肌挛缩的临床分析)
6. Space. Space where the damaged human spirit can heal. (翻译:空间,有更大的空间, 以治愈精神受到创伤的人们。)
7. "to report to the NASA Johnson Space Center, (翻译:前往位于德州休斯顿的国家宇航局 to report to the NASA Johnson Space Center, 约翰逊太空中心 Houston, Texas,)
8. For example, the handler for ASPX pages is based on the following pseudo code. (翻译:例如,ASPX页面处理程序基于下列伪码。)
9. Space exploration and the defense department (翻译:太空探索和国防体系之间 Space exploration and the defense department)
10. Okay, but I'm going to have to get it back for you so I can take it to the International Space Station. (翻译:回头带到太空站里去 so I can take it to the International Space Station.)
11. Thierry was there filming everything that Space Invader was doing and then, of course, once I was with Space Invader, everything I was doing. (翻译:泰瑞在那里拍摄一切 太空入侵者所做的事 当然 和太空入侵者在一起的时候)
12. Space and time come to a stop. (翻译:时间和空间趋于停滞 Space and time come to a stop.)
13. Space does not permit the citation of the examples. (翻译:篇幅有限,示例从略。)
14. The International Space Station is a bit roomier. (翻译:国际空间站更宽敞了一些。)
15. I was more eager than ever to rejoin Space Corp. (翻译:I was more eager than ever to rejoin Space Corp. 我比以前更渴望重新加入宇航公司)