例句:Send an invitation card to monk San Te now (师爷,赶快拿我的帖子 把叁德和尚给我请来)
例句:Don't play the idiot here! (Arrête de jouer aux cons.)
1. A report by Switzerland's Paul Scherrer Institute estimates that DAMS are the most potentially hazardous source of energy. (翻译:瑞士PSI研究所的一份报告揭示了水坝是第一潜在风险源。)
2. I mean, why deprive yourself? (翻译:别这样 苏菲 Arrête, Sophie. 才不 我保证 放弃她是你的损失 Ah, non. Je te jure.)
3. The advised tire pressure for tubeless tires is between 30 and 40 psi. (翻译:该建议的无内胎轮胎压力轮胎是30至40磅。)
4. The North has always been especially wary of the PSI and until now the South had dithered on committing to it. (翻译:此前,南韩对是否承诺加入PSI犹豫不决,因北韩一直对PSI存有特别的戒心。)
5. Grafting of "Half-sandwich" Cyclopentadiene Iron Species into HY Supercage (翻译:HY沸石超笼“半三明治”环戊二烯铁物种的接枝)
6. Too bad, If it will cost you. (翻译:你若为难 实在可惜 Tant pis si ça vous en coûte)
7. Old Te, you need this gun... for evidence (翻译:老鬼德,你是不是给吓坏了 这柄枪要拿回来做证)
8. Note: Data in this table is provided hy Daqing Water Affairs Bareau. (翻译:注:本表资料由市水务局提供。)
9. Nothing comes to your mind? (翻译:你没什么要说的吗 Rien ne te vient?)
10. Oh, TE Lawrence... of Arabia. (翻译:托马斯·爱德华·劳伦斯[英国考古学家 外交家] 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》)
11. Your as fit as a lop, as they say up here. (翻译:你健康得像修剪过的树枝, 他们这儿都这么说。)
12. Ego te baptizo, (I baptize you) in nomine Patris (in the name of the Father, ) (翻译:吾兹为汝施洗 奉圣父 ego te baptizo,in nomine Patris)
13. ♪ How would I know that this could be my fa-a-te? (翻译:♪ How would I know that this could be my fa -a -te?)
14. But now that they're doing psi research, ...we're gonna have to do psi research, sir. (翻译:是的,长官,但是现在 他们正在做超心理学研究 我们也得做超心理学研究,长官)
15. Te amo, te amo, shes scared to breathe. (翻译:我爱你,我爱你,她害怕的不敢呼吸。)