psychological characteristic是什么意思 psychological characteristic的中

psychological characteristic是什么意思 psychological characteristic的中

psychological characteristic在中文中有"心理特征"的意思,在日常中也代表"心理特征"的意思,在线发音:[psychologicalcharacteristic],psychological characteristic是一个英语名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到10个与psychological characteristic相关的例句。

Psychological characteristic的翻译


例句:Types of tea custom in Corea is various and characteristic. (韩国的茶礼种类繁多、各具特色。)


psychological characteristic一般作为名词使用,如在psychological(心理学的 )、characteristic(特征的)、the characteristic([网络] 特征;的特征)等常见短语中出现较多。

the characteristic[网络] 特征;的特征
psychological acoustics[心理 声] 心理声学
psychological activity心理活动
psychological adaptation[医] 心理性适应
psychological aesthetics[心理] 心理审美学
psychological agent心理主体
psychological androgyny心理双生性


1. Segmentstion is characteristic in the Ziyun deformation zone. (翻译:紫云变形带上的分段运动特点十分显著。)

2. She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. (翻译:她说话带着特有的热情。)

3. And atavism activation is basically -- an atavism is an ancestral characteristic. (翻译:返祖激活 其实就是—— 返祖现象就是重现祖先的特征)

4. The unstressed syllable in Songzi dialect has only the pitch characteristic, but there remains the arch characteristic of the word previous to the unstressed sound. (翻译:松滋方言的轻声音节只有音高特征,但轻声前字曲拱特征仍然保留着; )

5. This is a characteristic of Huaiyang cuisine, stewing and braising. (翻译:这是淮扬菜的另外一个特点,以炖焖见长。)

6. Leisure culture is characteristic of both poetry and secularity. (翻译:休闲文化具有诗性和世俗性双重品格。)

7. Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape. (翻译:风车是马略卡岛风光的一个典型的特色。)

8. Symbian is a characteristic example of a software platform. (翻译:Symbian就是一个软件平台的典型例子。)

9. A further characteristic of Hinduism is the ideal of ahimsa. (翻译:印度教的一个更深一层的特征就是非暴力的理念。)

10. And atavism activation is basically -- an atavism is an ancestral characteristic. (翻译:返祖激活 其实就是—— 返祖现象就是重现祖先的特征 )

11. The Phylogeny and the Geographical Temperate Characteristic of Heracleum and Angelica in China (翻译:中国独活属和当归属系统演化及区系地理的温带性)

12. The regulative state is identical with static characteristic, from the result of account of dynamic characteristic. (翻译:由动态特性分析的计算结果可知,调整状态与前面讨论的静态特性分析结果一致。)

13. Related to or characteristic of or written in Amharic . (翻译:与阿姆哈拉语有关的或有其特性的。)

14. Prominent mosaicism necessary was characteristic in PstI polymorphism. (翻译:非常明显的片段镶崁现象也是多态性之特点。)

15. The characteristic and the thermodynamical tristate conversion of ABS are described. (翻译:阐述了ABS的特性和热力学三态转化的状况; )

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