psychotypology是什么意思 psychotypology的中文翻译、读音、例句

psychotypology是什么意思 psychotypology的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:DFR commissioned Copenhagen based BIG in the spring of 2010 to introduce a new residential typology to Manhattan. (DFR委任哥本哈根的BIG设计事务所于xx年春季在曼哈顿内引入新的建筑类型。)


例句:The reason for this is that when Myers was designing MBTI, she took Jungian typology as the basis for her project. (出现这种情况旳缘故是当迈尔斯在设计MBTI时,她将荣格旳心理类型学作为其项目旳基础。)


例句:This article studies the stone artifacts in Nenjiang basin before Han dynasty in terms of typology. (本文根据以往的材料总结了嫩江流域汉代以前各时段石制品的特点。)、心理类型学

例句:As for research of justice type, Dama(? )ka's typology of justice takes a unique place, it will benefit Chinese justice innovation a lot. (翻译:对于司法形态的研究,美国学者达玛什卡的司法类型学处于一种独一无二的地位,对我国司法改革大有裨益。)


1. This article studies the stone artifacts in Nenjiang basin before Han dynasty in terms of typology. (翻译:本文根据以往的材料总结了嫩江流域汉代以前各时段石制品的特点。)

2. As for research of justice type, Dama(? )ka's typology of justice takes a unique place, it will benefit Chinese justice innovation a lot. (翻译:对于司法形态的研究,美国学者达玛什卡的司法类型学处于一种独一无二的地位,对我国司法改革大有裨益。)

3. This typology will be central, for instance for priority setting categories. (翻译:这一类型划分,将成为中心论据—例如,在确定优先重点范畴时使用。)

4. We look at pottery, they used the pottery in a very sophisticated form, sophisticated typology, and its meaning to society. (翻译:我们也展出陶器,从而体现当时的社会生活,古欧洲人已经能够用成熟的技术来烧制陶器。)

5. Structure typology becomes of a concept of "structure typology of a big structurism" when a collected novel produces, many imitate in succession. (翻译:结构类型是指某种总集产生之后,模仿之作绵延不绝,形成一种“大结构主义”的“结构类型”概念。)

6. This article mainly stresses that he tries to adjust the logical abruption between humanism and scientism namely the idea of total typology. (翻译:本文主要讨论了他试图调和人本主义与科学主义逻辑断裂的理论努力,即总体类型学的观点。)

7. According to Reiss' text typology, tourism signs can be categorized into three types: informative , expressive and appellative. (翻译:根据莱斯的文本类型学,旅游景点公示语可分为三大类:信息型、表情型和呼吁型。)

8. What is linguistic typology? (翻译:什么是语言类型学? )

9. This prefigured our first approximation to the scale and typology of the design. (翻译:这预示着我们对这个设计的尺度和象征的首次接近。)

10. West 57th, designed by BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group, introduces an entirely new residential typology to New York City that will add an inviting twist to the Manhattan Skyline. (翻译:由比亚克英格斯团队设计的西57街项目,为纽约城引入了一个全新的住宅类型,即增加一条连通曼哈顿天际线的迷人纽带。)

11. I don't have much knowledge of the art world. (翻译:Psycho -Pass\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h 那混蛋的心理指数复制到这些人的头盔里了)

12. On Dance is one of the essays by Wen Yiduo in his typology of art. (翻译:《说舞》是闻一多的艺术类型论系列论文中的一篇。)

13. Accordingly, the traditional vernacular dwelling is the most common typology of the Tibetan architecture in this region. (翻译:相应地,在这个范围内的传统建筑形式便成为藏族传统建筑的主体形式。)

14. This led us to rethink the standard office typology. (翻译:这使我们重新思考标准办公室类型。)

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