puapua是什么意思 puapua的中文翻译、读音、例句

puapua是什么意思 puapua的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The results of DSC indicated that the addition of this composite microsphere influences the microspheres separation of PU. (DSC分析表明,该复合微球的加入影响了聚氨酯的微相分离。)


例句:Pu-erh tea is available as loose leaf or as cakes of compacted tea. (现在市场上既可以买到散装的普洱茶也可以买到压缩而成的饼茶。)


1. Pu Sanpao, you are so mean, I didn't kill you just now (翻译:土三炮你不仗义 我刚才没宰了你饶了你一条命)

2. The scope he encountered-- the PU scope-- it was similar to this, and Carlos being an outstanding marksman, (翻译:一枪 一个破碎的瞄准镜 一个死亡的COBRA Carlos Hathcock传奇生涯中的一幕)

3. So far, we haven t seen any statement about the birth year of Pu Songling s father Pu Pan in studies of Pu Songling and his works. (翻译:在研究蒲松龄及其著作的过程中,尚未见探及其父蒲槃敏吾公生年的论述。)

4. We prepared PU-dyes nano-encapsules with ultrasonic technique. (翻译:实验还制备了聚氨酯纳米载染料微球。)

5. It was that year that Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi meet Chang Xun. (翻译:当年就在此地接见章新的 溥仪一直认为自己)

6. The Pu Er feeds and wait a minute (翻译:普洱,喂,等一等 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The Pu Er feeds and wait a minute)

7. The wedding of Pu Yi's and Wan Jung was the last to be held there. (翻译:最后一个在此举行大婚典礼的皇帝 是末代皇帝溥仪和末代皇后婉容)

8. You can say he's a hero of our times... (翻译:你可以说这是你们时代的英雄 Si può dire un eroe del nostro tempo oramai...)

9. But because of his magic, he was able to fight the elephants. (翻译:但因为他有神力 Mais grâce â sa magie, 他得以打败那些大象 il a pu vaincre les éléphants.)

10. The EMP knocked out almost every piece of hardware and every APU. (翻译:你们使用电磁脉冲武器 把所有设备和装甲部队都给毁了)

11. The dimensional stability of PU-PIR in heating status was better than that of the ordinary PU. (翻译:PU-PIR在受热状态下的尺寸稳定性优于常规聚氨酯。)

12. Manchukuo, the Japanese bastion in North China, was still ruled by the puppet Emperor, Pu Yi. (翻译:满洲国,日本在中国东北的基地 仍被傀儡皇帝溥仪所统治)

13. It is more likely that the company will attempt to make a small GPU rather than an APU. (翻译:它更可能是该公司将尝试,而不是一个辅助动力装置,使一个小的GPU。)

14. Antique Pu'er tea commands the highest prices. (翻译:古董普洱茶价格最高。)

15. Pu Er, fragrant slice of ... (翻译:fragrant slice of ...)

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