public company是什么意思 public company的中文翻译、读音、例句

public company是什么意思 public company的中文翻译、读音、例句

'public company'这个词语源于英语,意为公开公司。公开公司是指股份公司的一种形式,其股权可以公开发行给公众,这样公众可以通过购买股票来成为公司的股东。


用法:在公司名称中通常会包含“plc”(public limited company)的字样,例如英国的Tesco plc。

以下是九个含有'public company'的例句:

1. The Walt Disney Company is a public company that is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.(华特迪士尼公司是一家上市公司,其股票在纽约证券交易所上市。)

2. Alphabet Inc. is a public company that owns Google, YouTube, and other tech companies.(Alphabet Inc.是一家上市公司,拥有Google、YouTube和其他科技公司。)

3. Facebook went public in 2012, making it a public company.(Facebook于xx年上市,成为一家上市公司。)

4. Toyota Motor Corporation is a public company based in Japan.(丰田汽车公司是一家总部位于日本的上市公司。)

5. General Electric was once a public company, but it was delisted in 2019.(通用电气曾是一家上市公司,但在xx年被摘牌了。)

6. Tesla, Inc. is a public company that produces electric cars.(特斯拉是一家制造电动汽车的上市公司。)

7. Samsung Electronics is a public company that is traded on the Korea Exchange.(三星电子是一家在韩国证券交易所上市的上市公司。)

8. McDonald's Corporation is a public company that operates fast food restaurants around the world.(麦当劳公司是一家在全球运营快餐连锁餐厅的上市公司。)

9. BP plc is a British public company that is involved in the oil and gas industry.(英国石油公司是一家涉足石油和天然气行业的英国上市公司。)

public company在中文中有"有股票公开上市的"的意思,还经常被翻译为上市公司,单词读音音标为[ˈpʌblik ˈkʌmpəni],public company常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到34个与public company相关的句子。

Public company的翻译


例句:He took the company public at eight dollars a share. (他的公司上市时每股只要八美元 He took the company public at eight dollars a share.)


例句:But Watanabe was section chief of Public Affairs. (But Watanabe was section chief of Public Affairs.)


public company一般作为名词使用,如在public limited company(公开股份有限公司,公共有限公司)、public listed company(公共上市公司)、public service company([经] 公用事业公司)等常见短语中出现较多。

public limited company公开股份有限公司,公共有限公司
public listed company公共上市公司
public service company[经] 公用事业公司
public transport company公共交通公司
public utility company[经] 公用事业公司
quasi public company[网络] 准公营公司
for company作为同伴
in company一同,一起


1. "On average, would you say you bribed public officials (翻译:would you say you bribed public officials)

2. The point is, he was in Public Affairs. (翻译:The point is, he was in Public Affairs.)

3. Look, I can make a public appeal... (翻译:I can make a public appeal...)

4. Is that really appropriate behaviour in a public forum? (翻译:Is that really appropriate behaviour in a public forum?)

5. - And inaccessible to the public. (翻译:而且公众无法进入 And inaccessible to the public.)

6. I borrowed 100,000 from a loan shark company (翻译:000 from a loan shark company)

7. Very popular with the public. (翻译:Very popular with the public.)

8. ~ Present company accepting (翻译:Present company accepting)

9. Okay, so, p.t. Sandover ... (翻译:sandover - - protector of the company.)

10. - Is that from Oberstdorf Company? (翻译:- 这是Oberstdorf Company买的吗?)

11. I gave my life to that company. (翻译:I gave my life to that company.)

12. In my view, to keep him here would be a waste of public resources. (翻译:to keep him here would be a waste of public resources.)

13. Flotation The process of changing a private company into a public company by issuing shares and soliciting the public to purchase them . (翻译:私有公司通过发行股票,并邀请公众购买股票而成为公开公司的过程。)

14. Think we got a little company. (翻译:Think we got a little company.)

15. Both of them Rather worrying to the public. (翻译:Both of them Rather worrying to the public.)

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