public liability policy是什么意思 public liability policy的中文翻译、读音、例句

public liability policy是什么意思 public liability policy的中文翻译、读音、例句

public liability policy的中文解释是"公众责任保险单",其次还有"公众责任保险单"的意思,读音为[publicliabilitypolicy],public liability policy来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到39个与public liability policy相关的句子。

Public liability policy的词典翻译


例句:Certified public accountant's professional insurance is a kind of professional liability insurance, its insureds are usually accountants. (注册会计师责任保险属于职业责任保险的一种,其投保人通常为会计师等专业从业人员。)


public liability policy一般作为名词使用,如在public liability([经] 公众责任)、public policy([经] 公共政策)、employers' liability policy(雇主(伤害)责任(保)险(单))等常见短语中出现较多。

public liability[经] 公众责任
public policy[经] 公共政策
employers' liability policy雇主(伤害)责任(保)险(单)
personal liability policy个人责任保险
public liability insurance[经] 公众责任保险
international public policy[经] 国际性公共政策
public policy exception公共政策例外
public policy relationship公共政策关系


1. The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure. (翻译:该政策试图检查公共支出的快速增长。)

2. We need a transport policy. (翻译:We need a transport policy.)

3. And the reinsurance policy covering that policy... (翻译:和包括保险单的再保险单之后的 and the reinsurance policy covering that policy...)

4. Saved us having a policy. Cheers. (翻译:Saved us having a policy.)

5. People are recognizing that they ought to be thinking of happiness when they think of public policy. (翻译:一般人也开始认知到 在谋划政策时 亦应将快乐纳入考量指标。)

6. Is this a change of policy? (翻译:Is this a change of policy?)

7. Liz Sloane, contemptible liability. (翻译:contemptible liability.)

8. Now being in the flock is a liability. (翻译:冲到下层制造混乱 Now being in the flock is a liability. 此时 在鸟群中很不利)

9. In all events, the inevitable public outcry after all these leaks will make it awfully difficult for us to formulate an integrated national transport policy in the DAA. (翻译:无论如何 泄密已经导致全国哗然 In all events, the inevitable public outcry after all these leaks 我们行政部更难以制订 will make it awfully difficult for us to formulate 这份国民综合交通政策 an integrated national transport policy in the DAA.)

10. Code 2: Generic SONAS Policy commands. (翻译:代码2:通用的SONAS Policy命令。)

11. he was a brilliant public speaker (翻译:he was a brilliant public speaker)

12. A motion moved by Hon LAU Ping -cheung on Public Housing Rent Policy was negatived . (翻译:刘炳章议员就公屋租金政策动议一项议案被否决。)

13. You know, public policy and moral progress. (翻译:也就是我们通常说的政策和道德的发展进步。)

14. The core package comprises Employees Compensation and Public Liability Insurances. (翻译:核心保险部份提供必须的雇员补偿及公众责任保险。)

15. Being in an affiliating status, tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy. (翻译:清算义务人的侵权责任具有实现特定司法政策的功能,处于辅助性的地位。)

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