pulmonary nematode在英语中代表"肺线虫"的意思,还经常被翻译为肺线虫,发音音标为[pulmonarynematode],pulmonary nematode常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到36个与pulmonary nematode相关的例句。
Pulmonary nematode的释义
例句:The test is fast and sensitive, it can be routinely used for direct diagnosis of a single nematode and for detection of M. hapla in mixed soil nematode populations. (本方法具有快速、灵敏的特点,可日常用于北方根结线虫单条线虫的直接鉴定以及混合土壤线虫群体中北方根结线虫的检测。)
pulmonary nematode一般作为名词使用,如在nematode(线虫 )、pulmonary(肺的 )、golden nematode(金黄线虫)等常见短语中出现较多。
nematode | 线虫 |
pulmonary | 肺的 |
golden nematode | 金黄线虫 |
intestinal nematode | 肠线虫, 肠腺虫 |
meadow nematode | 草原线虫 |
nematode disease | 线虫病 |
nematode gall | 线虫瘿 |
nematode infection | 线虫感染 |
nematode nudule | [医]线虫瘤 |
1. The invention relates to the application of elaidic acid ethyl ester to controlling a pine nematode disease. (翻译:本发明涉及反油酸乙酯在松材线虫病防治中的应用。)
2. The cause of dyspnea may be pulmonary disease, circulatory disease, or both. (翻译:呼吸困难的原因可能是肺部疾病,循环系统疾病或者两者并存。)
3. The prospect of nematode biocontrol by B. t. biopesticide was viewed at the same time. (翻译:展望了B.t。生物杀虫剂在线虫的生物防治中的应用前景。)
4. Squeeze the ventricle and a stream of water squirts out of the pulmonary artery. (翻译:捏右心室,就会看到一股水流 从肺动脉涌出 )
5. Expression of eNOS and vascular remodeling in human pulmonary vascular of pulmonary hypertension with congenital heart disease (翻译:先天性心脏病肺动脉高压患者肺组织内皮型一氧化氮合成酶的表达及肺血管重建)
6. Objective:To study the effect of amrinone on the cardiac function and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic pulmonary heart disease. (翻译:目的:研究氨力农对慢性肺心病急性发作期患者的心功能、肺动脉压PAP的作用。)
7. Dr. Stanley, the clots could indicate a pulmonary embolus. (翻译:Stanley医生 血凝块说明也许是肺动脉栓塞)
8. Study of Conidia of Arthrobotrys oligospora Administrated Orally on Killing the Nematode Larvae in Faeces of Domestic Ani-mals (翻译:口服少孢节丛孢菌孢子对家畜粪便中线虫幼虫的杀灭研究)
9. Objective: To introduce inhaled iloprost for the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension. (翻译:目的:介绍治疗原发性肺动脉高压的吸入性伊洛前列素。)
10. Effects of light and temperature on the culture of root-knot nematode on Solanum tuberosum (翻译:不同光温条件对马铃薯繁殖根结线虫效果的影响)
11. Conclusion Carbon monoxide inhibited TGF expression by pulmonary arteries of rats with hypoxic pulmonary vascular remodeling. (翻译:结论一氧化碳对缺氧性肺血管结构重建大鼠肺动脉中TGF表达有抑制作用。)
12. Effect of flubendazole-praziquantel pill on deworming nematode and trematode (翻译:氟苯哒唑-吡喹酮控释药丸对山羊线虫和吸虫的驱除效果)
13. Manifold Immunity Tests Detected and Evaluated for Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Tuberculous Pleuritis (翻译:免疫指标联合检测评估肺结核和结核性胸膜炎患者的免疫状况)
14. And pulmonary edema, which is your lungs filling with fluid so you effectively drown. (翻译:还有肺水肿 也就是肺部积水 And pulmonary edema, which is your lungs filling with fluid 你会因此溺水 so you effectively drown.)
15. Comparing effects of Naloxone and Nikethamide on chronic respiratory failure with pulmonary encephalopathy (翻译:纳络酮与尼可刹米治疗慢性呼吸衰竭肺性脑病疗效对照观察)