punguin是什么意思 punguin的中文翻译、读音、例句

punguin是什么意思 punguin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The power of Christian Rome founded on a Greek pun. TANNOY: (所以,基督教罗马的权力其实是 建立在一个希腊的双关词上的。)


例句:It is an example of canting arms, arms which are a visual pun on the individual's name. (这是一个暗语纹章的例子,用形象化的双关表示特有的家族名。)


1. I love pun and the relation to the unconscious. (翻译:我非常喜爱用双关语 以及它和潜意识之间的联系。)

2. The Genovian pear market is blossoming... if you'll pardon the pun. (翻译:行情如何? is doing in Genovia?)

3. A bomb explosion took place last night at 7:45 at Sai Ying Pun MTR Station. (翻译:昨晚 7点45分 在西营盘港铁站 发生一宗 怀疑炸弹爆炸)

4. We're banking on them lending us the money—no pun intended! (翻译:我们正指望他们借给我们钱呢—bank绝无双关之意! )

5. Now it's time to amaze (forgive the pun) your friends and build a maze-solving robot named Algernon. (翻译:现在该让您的朋友大吃一惊了,我们来构建一个解迷宫机器人,它的名字是Algernon。)

6. So, you wanted to do the pun to get a chance to say that? (翻译:你就是因为想说这话 才提议玩接龙游戏的吧)

7. Conclusion The starting use of antibiotics for the in patients with in guin. . . (翻译:结论住院患者抗菌药物选择起点偏高,应加强合理用药意识。)

8. That's the worst pun I ever heard. (翻译:这是最糟糕的双关语 I E V ER听到。)

9. In the same vein, when I was getting abused... when I say, I laid there, stiff as a board, pardon the pun, just in agony, because I could not mentally control (翻译:本着同样的精神 当我越来越滥用... 当我说 我躺在那里 僵硬的电路板 请原谅这个双关语)

10. It's a pun, a knee-slapper, a play on Jesus, Joseph and Mary.... (翻译:这是双关语,很好玩的笑话 是耶稣,约瑟和圣玛丽亚之间的一种游戏... .)

11. The pun translation is always difficult; even some people consider puns as untranslatable. (翻译:双关语的翻译历来困难,有人甚至认为它是不可译的。)

12. So the objection that you can't have an objective science of consciousness because it's subjective and science is objective, that's a pun. (翻译:所以别听那些人说: 因为意识是主观的,科学是客观的, 所以不能有客观的意识科学。——瞧这是个双关语啊 )

13. We've made a donation on everybody's behalf here to KickStart, no pun intended, their next project. (翻译:我们以座诸位的名义为KichStart做了捐赠,不是双关语,而是KichStart的另一项工程。)

14. Notify MTR officials to enact emergency measures at Sai Ying Pun Station. (翻译:通知港铁高层 西营盘站 准备紧急应变措施)

15. So standing next to the world's best swimmer makes me kind of feel -- if you can excuse my pun -- kind of at sea. (翻译:所以,当我和世界最好的 游泳运动员同台, 让我有点觉得—— 原谅我用词不当—— 像身在海里。)



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