purveyancing是什么意思 purveyancing的中文翻译、读音、例句

purveyancing是什么意思 purveyancing的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Object.notify unblocks a thread wait ing on the object. (notify为wait对象的线程解锁。)


例句:After some to-ing and fro-ing, Elsie and the children moved back to Louisiana. (几番往复后,艾尔西和孩子们搬回了路易斯安那。)


1. They swam right past the front of the boat fli ing and jumping as they went by. (翻译:看着他们游过船时,左右翻转,跳跃水面的画面实在难得。)

2. Any "um-ing"and "er-ing,"and you're done for. Now, the town, and no mistakes. (翻译:如果有任何犹豫,你就完蛋了 现在考到市镇,不许再答错)

3. The ANC has spent half a century fighting against racialism. (翻译:非洲人国民大会与种族主义进行了半个世纪的斗争。)

4. Establish the composite purvey model of the building materials and improve the management level of the Shanghai building materials industry (翻译:构建建材系统集成供应模式提高上海建材业管理水平)

5. - Try.ing to pin all the blame on me, right? (翻译:- Try. ing到脚都责怪我,对不对?)

6. They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup. (翻译:有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。)

7. The ANC could not afford to lower its guard until everything had been carried out. (翻译:在所有任务完成之前,非洲人国民大会丝毫不敢放松警惕。)

8. "The remaining China bears must have been steamrollered by yesterday's data, " said Tim Condon, ING's chief Asia economist. (翻译:ING亚洲首席经济学家TimCondon说,“昨天的数据肯定打击了剩下的那些看空人士。”)

9. The decision was not taken lightly by myself or the people or the ANC. (翻译:这不仅仅是我和什么人 或是国民大会的决定)

10. The government agrees to lift the ban on the ANC and repeal the race laws. (翻译:政府同意撤销对非洲国民大会的禁令 并且废除种族法)

11. The ANC is about to rule on whether he is guilty of bringing the party into disrepute. (翻译:非国大即将就他是否损害了该党的名誉进行裁决。)

12. And to a new begin ing with Alie : Colonial Marines and the upcoming Predator RPG! (翻译:而到一个新的开始,异形:殖民地海军陆战队员和即将到来的铁血战士游戏!)

13. Winnie, when you speak in public, you must represent the policies of the ANC. (翻译:温妮 当你做公众发言时 你必须代表非洲国民大会的政策)

14. But economist Carsten Brzeski at ING Bank in Brussels says it was a disaster waiting to happen. (翻译:但是布鲁塞尔的ING银行的经济学家CarstenBrzeski说灾难即将到来。)

15. The ANC said it was "appalled" by the court's attempt to "rewrite" the history of the liberation struggle and has vowed to appeal. (翻译:非洲国民大会声称被法院想要“重写”解放斗争历史的意图“吓坏了”,而且已经发誓将上诉。)

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