microfoci是什么意思 microfoci的中文翻译、读音、例句

microfoci是什么意思 microfoci的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Inhibitory Effect of Sorbaria Sorbifolia on DEN-induced Precancerous Hepatic Foci and Its Antioxidative Activities in Rats (珍珠梅提取物对二乙基亚硝胺所致大鼠肝脏癌前病变的抑制作用及抗氧化活力的影响)


例句:Same number but they got some sort of micro-router.. (号码不变 但通过某种微型路由掩盖了信号踪迹)


1. No watermarking your Franklin. (翻译:没有富兰克林的水印 没有微印刷 No watermarking of Franklin, no micro)

2. At a micro level, the individuals around him were visible. (翻译:从微观层面说,他能够看到那些他周围的人。)

3. Which surprisingly exceeded the original micro power by ten times! (翻译:很奇怪,它的微波威力 比原来的设计大了差不多十倍)

4. Thi innovative alaram clock is composed by a micro vibration device and a micro-chip. (翻译:这款新颖的闹钟由微振动装置和微型芯片组成。)

5. Lawyers think in terms of the macro, artists the micro. (翻译:律师注重宏观 艺术家注重细节 我明白了 那这次细节又体现在那儿)

6. The imaging finding mostly manifested as malacia and chronic hemorrhagic foci. (翻译:损伤的表现主要为软化灶和陈旧出血改变。)

7. In some patients, AF seems to be triggered by electrically active pulmonary vein foci. These foci can trigger the atria to fibrillate . (翻译:一些房颤患者似乎是被电活性肺静脉病灶触发,这些病灶能够触发心房使之纤维颤动。)

8. Diagnostic Value of Localizing Epileptic Foci by the Use of SPECT Imaging and Imaging Evoked by Bemegride (翻译:SPECT显像与美解眠诱发试验对癫癎病灶定位诊断价值的探讨)

9. Micro-bursts of calm for Mr. Bauer. (翻译:看到Bauer先生时 他们的微表情是平静)

10. Saline meadow soil distributed in the micro basin, and sodic alkaline soil in micro slope or micro flat. (翻译:盐化草甸土分布在相对低洼的部位,苏打碱土分布在微坡地和高平地。)

11. Micro particle sizes are as the smoke particles. (翻译:颗粒都是微米级的 火产生的烟基本上就是微米级的)

12. The foci found were in vermis (36) and cerebellar hemispheres (6). (翻译:病变位于小脑蚓部者36例,位于小脑半球6例。)

13. MRI presented swelling in paravertebral soft tissues, myelapoplexy, edema or old intramedullary malacic foci. (翻译:行MRI检查发现椎旁软组织肿胀及脊髓出血、水肿,或者髓内陈旧性软化灶等。)

14. Results All foci were ablated. (翻译:结果全部病灶获得手术切除。)

15. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过micro USB接口可见。)

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