put you down通常被翻译为"把你放下"的意思,还有把你放下的意思,在线读音是[putyoudown],put you down常被用作名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到12个与put you down相关的例句。
Put you down的翻译
例句:[Police] Put your weapons down! (放下你的武器! Put your weapons down!)
put you down一般作为名词使用,如在put down as(估计, 认为)、put down for([网络] 把列入名单;登记;认为是)、put down to(归因于)等常见短语中出现较多。
put down as | 估计, 认为 |
put down for | [网络] 把列入名单;登记;认为是 |
put down to | 归因于 |
put it down | [网络] 放下;把它放下;放下来 |
put that down | 把它放下来\n把它记下来 |
down to you | [电影]煞到你 |
put you up | 把你举起来\n让你留宿 |
get put down | [网络] 被击败 |
put down expenditures | 削减支出 |
1. We were about to put him down. (翻译:We were about to put him down.)
2. Everybody put your weapons down now! (翻译:所有人放下武器 Everybody put your weapons down now!)
3. (train whistle blowing in distance) Put down the case. (翻译:放下箱子 Put down the case.)
4. But when she was 12, she got cancer, so we had to put her down. (翻译:so we had to put her down.)
5. Put the traitors on trial, close down the gate. (翻译:审判叛徒 关闭城门 Put the traitors on trial, close down the gate.)
6. This young Harlem child put it down like blink (翻译:This young Harlem child put it down like bling)
7. Oh, put your bag down there. (翻译:put your bag down there.)
8. Harriet, put the rifle down. (翻译:哈瑞特,放下步枪 Harriet, put the rifle down.)
9. So, I put down my fork, put down my knife, get ready to clap... (翻译:我放下刀叉 准备随众人 So, I put down my fork, put down my knife, 一起鼓掌... get ready to clap...)
10. Stop, put it down, put it down, put it down. (翻译:停 快把它放下来 放下来 Stop, put it down, put it down, put it down.)
11. Put it down if you love me. (翻译:如果你爱我 那就放下 Put it down if you love me.)
12. Could you put that down, please? (翻译:Could you put that down, please?)
13. When you kneel put your head down straight away. (翻译:跪下的时候得低下头 When you kneel put your head down straight away)
14. All right, you can put the ax down now. (翻译:好了 你现在可以把斧子放下了 All right, you can put the ax down now.)
15. Natania, put the gun down. (翻译:娜塔尼亚 放下枪 Natania, put the gun down.)