pyjama是什么意思 pyjama的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyjama是什么意思 pyjama的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源和拼写方面:



- I put on my pyjamas before going to bed.

- She likes to wear comfortable pyjamas around the house on weekends.

- I forgot to pack my pyjamas for the overnight trip.

2. 地域文化方面:



- In Korea, couples often wear matching pyjamas on Christmas.

- In Japan, it is common to wear pyjamas in public areas of hot springs resorts.

- In some parts of Africa, pyjamas are considered to be formal attire for certain ceremonies.

3. 语言用法方面:



- The politician's argument was a pyjama argument, devoid of any substance or real solutions.

- The movie's plot was a pyjama party, with no real development or conflict.

- The company's new product line was a pyjama scam, promising much but delivering little.




1. मैं नींद में अपने प्याजामा में ही उठा। (我穿着睡衣醒来了。)

2. वह अपनी नई प्याजामा दिखाने के लिए खुश था। (他很高兴展示他的新睡衣。)

3. मुझे नया प्याजामा खरीदना होगा। (我需要买一件新睡衣。)

4. आपका प्याजामा बहुत सुंदर है। (你的睡衣很漂亮。)

5. वह अपने प्याजामा में बहुत आराम से सोता है। (他穿着睡衣非常舒适地睡觉。)

6. मैं पुराने प्याजामा पहनकर मकान के चारों तरफ घूम रहा था। (我穿着旧睡衣在房子周围散步。)

7. उसने आपने प्याजामा बदल दिया। (他换了睡衣。)

8. मैं घर आते ही प्याजामा पहनता हूं। (我回到家就穿着睡衣。)

9. उसकी प्याजामा की जेब में मैंने मोबाइल फोन पाया। (我在他的睡衣口袋里发现了他的手机。)



1. I like to wear pyjamas when I sleep.(我睡觉时喜欢穿睡衣。)

2. He got up and put on his pyjamas before going to bed.(他起床后穿上睡衣去睡觉。)

3. The children put on their pyjamas and brushed their teeth before going to bed.(孩子们穿上睡衣并刷完牙,然后去睡觉。)

pyjama在中文中有"一些亚洲国家男女围腰而系的、宽松裤"的意思,作为名词时有"男睡衣"的意思,读音为[pә'dʒɑ:mә, pi-],pyjama是一个英语名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到43个与pyjama相关的例句。



例句:He nods. Ann, suddenly panicked, feels under the sheets for her pyjama bottoms. (他点点头。安妮突然很惊慌,她在被单底下摸她的睡裤。)


例句:Some of the men were in loose, pyjama -style Nigerian suits, others in western clothes. (一些男人穿着宽松的、睡衣似的尼日利亚服装,还有穿西服的。)


例句:if it remains as it is, it's just an ordinary women's pyjama, isn't it? (就这样的话 不就是一件普通的女式睡衣吗?)


例句:"Pyjama Tops is the worst acted farce I have ever seen on any stage (翻译:《不穿睡衣》是我在过去的xx年里在任何舞台上看到的)


pyjama一般作为名词使用,如在lounging pyjama([网络] 休闲睡衣)、pyjama bottoms([复数] =pyjama trousers)、pyjama check(格子睡衣布)等常见短语中出现较多。

lounging pyjama[网络] 休闲睡衣
pyjama bottoms[复数] =pyjama trousers
pyjama check格子睡衣布
pyjama jacketn. 睡衣上装
pyjama parties[网络] 睡衣舞会
pyjama stripes宽条子睡衣布
pyjama trousersn. 睡裤


1. if it remains as it is, it's just an ordinary women's pyjama, isn't it? (翻译:就这样的话 不就是一件普通的女式睡衣吗?)

2. "Pyjama Tops is the worst acted farce I have ever seen on any stage (翻译:《不穿睡衣》是我在过去的xx年里在任何舞台上看到的)

3. Boys carry a candle and wear a kind of white pyjama. They wear hats that are pointy with golden stars on them. (翻译:男孩子手拿蜡烛,穿着白色长袍,戴着画有金色星星的帽子。)

4. Even Stalin doesn't wear a pyjama, but I'm sure that before long, he might very well do, red ones. (翻译:甚至斯大林都不穿睡衣 敢说不久后他就会穿红色的了)

5. But opponents of the pyjama purge spoke out in support of their sartorial preferences. (翻译:但是那些对‘禁止睡衣‘持反对意见的人则大胆的说出了他们对衣着喜好的支持。)

6. He stood yawning, his pyjama jacket gaping open. (翻译:他敞开睡衣站着打呵欠。)

7. Make a mistake, and a swarm of furious pyjama-clad scribes will pounce. (翻译:一旦出错,就会有一群穿着睡衣横眉竖眼的写手冲来。)

8. He was dressed in a pyjama and kurta, ideal for a summer evening. (翻译:他穿着宽松裤和宽松衬衫,那是夏日夜晚的理想穿着。)

9. On Hallowe'en the first Pyjama Protection League members wore their Shanghai nightwear with pride. (翻译:在万圣节夜暨第一届保护睡衣同盟会上,会员们无比自豪地穿着他们的上海式夜装。)



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