pyroxene trachyte是什么意思 pyroxene trachyte的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyroxene trachyte是什么意思 pyroxene trachyte的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyroxene trachyte在中文中有"辉石粗面岩"的意思,在英美地区还有"辉石粗面岩"的意思,发音是[pyroxenetrachyte],pyroxene trachyte来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到36个与pyroxene trachyte相关的句子。

Pyroxene trachyte的中文翻译


例句:Pyroxene is exclusively diopside augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside-hedenbergite join. (所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石——镁铁辉石。)


pyroxene trachyte一般作为名词使用,如在trachyte(粗面岩 )、pyroxene(辉石 )、drachenfels trachyte(云母粗面岩)等常见短语中出现较多。

drachenfels trachyte云母粗面岩
leucite trachyte白榴粗面岩
nosean trachyte黝方粗面岩
phonolite trachyte响岩质粗面岩
phonolitic trachyte近响岩质粗面岩
quartz trachyte石英粗面岩
riebeckite trachyte钠闪粗面岩


1. Pyroxene is exclusively diopside augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside - hedenbergite join. (翻译:所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石- -镁铁辉石。)

2. Gubaoquan rock body mainly is composed of the gabbros, it also contains a few olivine pyroxenites and the pyroxene troctolite. (翻译:古堡泉岩体主要由辉长岩组成,还有少量的橄榄辉长岩和辉石橄长岩。)

3. The main rock-forming minerals are olivine, chrome spinel, pyroxene, plagioclase and amphibole. 2. (翻译:主要的造岩矿物有橄榄石、辉石、斜长石、铬尖晶石、角闪石。)

4. Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite, with a composition relatively close to the diopside-hedenbergite join. (翻译:所有辉石是透辉石质普通辉石,其成分相对近于透辉石--镁铁辉石。)

5. The volcanic rocks of the Lower Es3 in Oulituozi region are mainly volcaniclastic rock, basalt and trachyte. (翻译:欧利坨子地区沙三下亚段火山岩类型以火山碎屑岩为主,次为玄武岩及粗面岩。)

6. Ultrabasic rocks have a silica content less than 45%. Peridotite is the typical intrusive rock which consists of olivine and pyroxene. (翻译:超基性岩的SiO2含量小于45%,它的侵入岩叫做橄榄岩,主要由橄榄石、辉石等矿物组成。)

7. In addition to the principle pyroxene mineral, the secondary minerals of fei cui are amphibole and feldspar. (翻译:除了辉石质的主要矿物之外,翡翠的次要矿物主要是闪石和长石。)

8. Crystal sometimes contain calcite, quartz, pyroxene, green shade stone pillars, and operators, such as flashing rock mineral. (翻译:晶体中有时含方解石、石英、透辉石、绿帘石、方柱石、符山石和角闪石等矿物。)

9. The wall rock is trachyte andesite of Talimugou Group, and the main ore body is the quartz veins which located in NWW trending fractures. (翻译:赋矿围岩为塔木兰沟组粗面安山质岩石,主要矿体为沿着NWW方向断裂构造就位的石英脉体。)

10. Tou Huishi). Pyroxene in intrusive rock is generally equiaxed grain. (翻译:产于侵入岩中的辉石一般呈等轴的粒状。)

11. However, some diamonds contain minute inclusions of silicate minerals, commonly olivine, pyroxene, and garnet. (翻译:然而,有些钻石含有硅酸盐矿物的微小包裹体,通常是橄榄石、辉石和石榴石。)

12. This resembles volcanic ash, which is predominantly composed of minerals such as pyroxene and olivine. (翻译:这类似于火山灰,这是主要组成矿物如辉石和橄榄石。)

13. The Zhuanzhilian pyroxene diorite is found in Zhangjiakou-Xuanhua area, northwest of Hebei Province. (翻译:位于冀西北张家口-宣化地区的转枝莲辉石闪长岩侵入水泉沟正长岩杂岩体中。)

14. Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups. (翻译:翡翠由辉石族、角闪石族、长石族矿物组成。)

15. Therefore, the intergrowth texture of Cr-spinel and pyroxene can be an important indicator for podiform chromite exploration. (翻译:因此,铬尖晶石与辉石的共生连晶结构可以作为豆荚状铬铁矿的重要找矿标志。)

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