microliterature是什么意思 microliterature的中文翻译、读音、例句

microliterature是什么意思 microliterature的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Albanian literature is developing normally, like the literature of any other free country. (阿尔巴尼亚的文学像其它自由国家的文学一样,在正常发展着。)


例句:If someone asked me for literature about our area good literature... (假如有人问起关于这一带... 好的文学作品)


1. Thi innovative alaram clock is composed by a micro vibration device and a micro-chip. (翻译:这款新颖的闹钟由微振动装置和微型芯片组成。)

2. We usually wrote about typical representatives in literature. (翻译:我们通常写的是文学里的典型人物 We usually wrote abouttypical representatives in literature.)

3. Now your micro expressions are telegraphing discomfort. (翻译:现在你的微表情正传送着不安 Now your micro expressions are telegraphing discomfort.)

4. Ogai Mori, one of the founders of Japanese modern literature, was the pioneer of romantic literature. (翻译:森鸥外是日本近代文学的奠基人之一、浪漫主义文学的先驱。)

5. Micro particle sizes are as the smoke particles. (翻译:颗粒都是微米级的 火产生的烟基本上就是微米级的)

6. The pulse is usually timed in micro-seconds. (翻译:脉冲通常以微秒计。)

7. Literature is, by nature, imaginal. (翻译:文学的本质是形象。)

8. Crouzet, Micro Switch Expert From Europe! (翻译:高诺斯,来自欧洲的微动开关专家! )

9. You have a literature degree from NYU. (翻译:Come on, dude. 你可是纽约大学文学专业的高材生啊 You have a literature degree from NYU.)

10. Africa,culture,entertainment,humanity,humor,literature,poetry,politics,writing (翻译:Africa,culture,entertainment,humanity,humor,literature,poetry,politics,writing)

11. Literature knows itself to be fictive. (翻译:文学意识到自己是虚构的。)

12. But what is the difference between literature and journalism? . Journalism is unreadable and literature is not read. That is all. (翻译:文学与报道的区别是什么?报道不是人读的,而文学没有人读。)

13. The Relation Between Northern Wei Literature and Buddhist Culture and It's Influence upon the Literature of SuiTang Dynasty (翻译:北魏文学与佛教文化的关系及其对隋唐文学的影响)

14. Dystopia literature rises in 20~(th) century as a unique literature normative form. (翻译:反面乌托邦文学作为一种独特的文学体裁,兴盛于20世纪。)

15. Over on the Literature &Latte message boards – the official support hub for Scrivener – a hardy bunch of folks have packaged up an unofficial version for Linux users which doesn’t require wine. (翻译:在 Literature &Latte message boards网站 –Scrivener的官网 – 点击 packaged up an unofficial version进入不需要Wine的linux页面。)

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