1. 在巴格达的市场上,你可以听到qasab们大声喊着卖肉。
2. 肉店的老板是一位qasab,他每天早上五点就会去购买新鲜的肉类。
3. 这个城市的qasab们在酷热的夏天里仍然坚守在卖肉的岗位上。
4. 他的父亲是一位qasab,他从小就帮助他父亲卖肉。
5. 这个城市的qasab们需要遵守卫生标准,以确保售出的肉类安全健康。
6. 他们的食品市场上有许多qasab,他们卖不同种类的肉类。
7. 在伊斯兰教的喜庆节日中,qasab们的生意通常会更加火爆。
例句:Our correspondent says that Qasab could in the last resort appeal to the president for clemency - which would take even more time. (本报通讯员表示,Qasab可以向总统请求宽恕,这样可能还要用更长的时间。)
例句:Muhammad Ajmal Qasab, a Pakistani, was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by an Indian court for his role in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, in which 174 people died. (巴基斯坦人阿杰马勒盖赛卜被印度法院发现犯有谋杀罪并判处死刑,认为其参与了xx年孟买恐怖袭击,致174人丧生。)
例句:The BBC's Soutik Biswas in Delhi says that if Qasab is sentenced to death and decides to appeal, the process could take years in the courts. (BBC记者驻德里记者Sout ik Biswa表示,如果Qasab被判死判,而且如果他上诉,上诉过程可能要花上几年。)
1. The BBC's Soutik Biswas in Delhi says that if Qasab is sentenced to death and decides to appeal, the process could take years in the courts. (翻译:BBC记者驻德里记者Sout ik Biswa表示,如果Qasab被判死判,而且如果他上诉,上诉过程可能要花上几年。)
2. The BBC's Soutik Biswas in Delhi says that if Qasab is sentenced to death and decides to appeal, the process could take years in the courts. (翻译:BBC记者驻德里记者SoutikBiswa表示,如果Qasab被判死判,而且如果他上诉,上诉过程可能要花上几年。)