microhaematuria是什么意思 microhaematuria的中文翻译、读音、例句

microhaematuria是什么意思 microhaematuria的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:They want to move from micro to medium and beyond. (她们想从微小晋升到中等再晋升到更高水平。)


例句:We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过micro USB接口可见。)


1. Micro and Colloidal Stickie Pacification with Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (翻译:用沉淀碳酸钙减弱细小胶黏物和胶体胶黏物的影响)

2. Laser treatments do not permanently remove birthmarks known as port-wine stains, researchers hae found. (翻译:研究员发现,激光不能永久性地去除被认为是葡萄酒色痣的胎记。)

3. Muhammad Yunus financed this one in Bangladesh with micro-credit. (翻译:穆罕默德•尤努斯 透过孟加拉国的小额贷款买了这个。)

4. While Hae-young lived with me, she never said that she loved me. (翻译:当慧英和我住在一起的时候 她从没说过她爱我)

5. But the time I was here with you and Hae-young was the happiest moment for me. (翻译:但是那个时候我和你和慧英在这里 是我最开心的时刻)

6. These plasmids occur naturally in nature; they were discovered in micro-organisms and they also confer some biological properties onto micro-organisms. (翻译:这些质粒在自然界中自然存在;它们是在微生物中发现的,它们也赋予了微生物一些生物学特性。)

7. Background: There hae been conflicting descriptions of brachialis muscle anatomy in the literature. (翻译:背景:文献中关于肱肌的解剖存在不少矛盾的描述。)

8. Hae-guk can't stay here, right? (翻译:那个... 海国他... 不能呆在这里 对吧)

9. Howeer, a subset of patients hae deelopment of glenoid arthritis and rotator cuff deficiency due to tuberosity failure. (翻译:但是,有相当一部分病人因为粗隆衰退而导致了关节盂性关节炎以及回旋肌腱群的缺损。)

10. Historically, metal rings, wire mesh, and other materials hae been used to improve acetabular fixation. (翻译:以往,金属环、钢丝网和其他材料被用于加强髋臼固定。)

11. In this dissertation, only the piezoelectric bimorph micro-actuator and valveless piezoelectric micro pump are introduced. (翻译:本文的研究重点是压电双晶梁微驱动器和无阀压电微泵。)

12. - Dr. House, is there anything back from micro? (翻译:- House医生,你那样能想到什么吗?)

13. Neoplastic cells hae large column, irregular form, lining up in atactic shape. (翻译:瘤细胞体积大,形态不规则,呈不规则排列。)

14. Health officials said they hae also notified emergency rooms countywide of the outbreak. (翻译:卫生官员说他们已经通告了疾病爆发时郊区的应急住所。)

15. Hae you eer had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall-stones or any gynecological diseases? (翻译:你有过其它病吗?比如说,肾炎、胆结石或妇科病?)

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