quadruplest在英语中代表"四重的、的"的意思,其中文解释还有"组成"的意思,读音为['kwɒdrʊpəl; kwɒ'druːpəl],quadruplest来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到39个与quadruplest相关的例句。
例句:Nobody just loses a guy... dressed like a medieval knight in Chicago. (and that is a really big leap for a 21st century girl.)
例句:I hear the slopes are opening early in St. Moritz this year. (我听说今年St. Moritz的滑雪坡已经开了.)
例句:I had quadruple my normal caseload. (我当时的案件量翻了四倍 I had quadruple my normal caseload.)
例句:They're also securing St.Julian's Hospital. (翻译:他们还负责St. Julian医院的安保工作)
1. I had quadruple my normal caseload. (翻译:我当时的案件量翻了四倍 I had quadruple my normal caseload.)
2. They're also securing St.Julian's Hospital. (翻译:他们还负责St. Julian医院的安保工作)
3. This is expected to double, triple or maybe quadruple year over year for the foreseeable future. (翻译:而这在未来可能会 每年翻两番,三番,甚至四番 )
4. Spark has several ways to create ASTs. (翻译:Spark有好几种创建a ST的方法。)
5. Pray for my mother, St. Elzear. (翻译:St. Elzear圣徒 我为我的母亲祈祷)
6. It is a tradition saying that under St. Michael's protective wings... an academic institution was founded to foster good wives and mothers.. (翻译:根据传说... 在St. Michael的庇佑下)
7. We had a big family dinner near St. Mark's Square. (翻译:我们在St. Mark广场搞了次大型家庭聚餐)
8. No, no, st-stop reading that. (翻译:不 不 别... 别读了 No, no, st...)
9. So the Feast of St. Elzear. (翻译:那么 朝拜St. Elzear的节日庆典)
10. This is expected to double, triple or maybe quadruple year over year for the foreseeable future. (翻译:而这在未来可能会 每年翻两番,三番,甚至四番)
11. ST: Yeah, absolutely, please. CA: This is cool. (翻译:ST:当然可以,请便。CA:这个很酷。)
12. It's just a little curiosity when it comes to Go Dok Mi. (翻译:1st 1st day 1st 1st night)
13. I just need the supplemental arrest report on Max St. Vincent. (翻译:我要Max St. Vincent 逮捕情况的补充报告)
14. Priest stashed Fi and Kerrianne at St. Matt's Rectory. (翻译:神父把Fi和Kerrianne 安排在St. Matt教堂)
15. Adding mobility as another factor makes it a quadruple play. (翻译:将移动性作为另一个因素添加到其中,就使其成为了四重播放。)