quality guideline的中文解释是"质量指南",还有质量指南的意思,读音为[qualityguideline],quality guideline来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到29个与quality guideline相关的句子。
Quality guideline的翻译
例句:Quality father-daughter bonding time. (Quality father -daughter bonding time. 质量父女粘接时间)
quality guideline一般作为名词使用,如在guideline(指导方针 )、dietary guideline(饮食指南)、environmental guideline(境方针)等常见短语中出现较多。
guideline | 指导方针 |
dietary guideline | 饮食指南 |
environmental guideline | 境方针 |
emergency guideline | 应急指南 |
ethical guideline | 伦理守则 |
expenditure guideline | 开支指引 |
facilities guideline | 设备指引 |
financial guideline | 财政准则 |
general guideline | [网络] 一般指导纲要;通用准则 |
1. So you do a little research. Take Quality Design Group where l work. (翻译:所以你得做些调查 就像我工作的Quality设计集团)
2. You're suicidal, alone and strapped for cash. Yet, you're still cooking to impress. (翻译:I still like quality food.)
3. Quality suitors, as you say. (翻译:优质追求者来追求我 quality suitors, as you say.)
4. Tutorial-in-print: Guideline for Course Development--A Brief Introduction to the Course Team Mechanism of UKOU (翻译:书面教学辅导:教材建设的指导思想--介绍英国开放大学课程组机制)
5. - Not of the same quality. (翻译:Not of the same quality.)
6. He had a lifer quality about him. (翻译:这人真是恶贯满盈 He had a lifer quality about him.)
7. After all, our quality is higher and price lower. (翻译:our quality is higher and price lower.)
8. It includes my guarantee of quality and a secure exchange. (翻译:我会保证钻石的质量 It includes my guarantee of quality 以及交易的安全 and a secure exchange.)
9. Welcome to The High... the finest in high quality desserts. (翻译:Welcome to The High... 高质量精致糕点 the finest in high quality desserts.)
10. The Venerable Acharn: a wish can serve only as a guideline or pathway. (翻译:尊者阿迦曼:一个希望只能做个引导或途径而已。)
11. This is the Supreme Quality Hotel. (翻译:这里就是至上品酒店 This is the Supreme Quality Hotel.)
12. Some quality time with my brother. (翻译:这不能怪我吧 some quality time with my brother.)
13. New changes in diagnosis and treatment of advanced lung cancer from ASCO guideline (翻译:从ASCO新版指引看晚期肺癌诊治模式的变化)
14. The content of glucose can be a guideline to control the quality of Honey Processed Radix Polygalae except that of the active constituents in it. (翻译:除了远志活性成分外,葡萄糖含量可作蜜远志饮片的质量控制指标之一。)
15. The packaging is coated in quality control. (翻译:包装上使用了质量保证手段 The packaging is coated in quality control.)