quantized audio waveform是什么意思 quantized audio waveform的中文翻译、读音、例

quantized audio waveform是什么意思 quantized audio waveform的中文翻译、读音、例

quantized audio waveform通常被翻译为"数量波形"的意思,在日常中也代表"数量波形"的意思,在线发音:[quantizedaudiowaveform],quantized audio waveform在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到27个与quantized audio waveform相关的例句。

Quantized audio waveform的释义


例句:In order to deblur the image, deconvolution and waveform recovery are necessary. Deconvolution is an ill-posed problem. Bar code is a kind of bilevel waveform. (为了克服点扩展函数卷积造成的模糊,需要进行反卷积处理复原波形。)


quantized audio waveform一般作为名词使用,如在waveform audio(波形音频)、quantized(a. 量化的;量子化的)、waveform(波形 )等常见短语中出现较多。

waveform audio波形音频
quantizeda. 量化的;量子化的
quantized approximation整量化近似
quantized bubble量子化磁泡 [亦作hard bubble]
quantized collector分层信号集电极
quantized computer数字转换型计算机
quantized data量化数据


1. Player and Recorder allow you to listen to music as an audio player like Windows Media Player, Winamp, Jet-Audio. . . (翻译:播放器和录音机,让您听音乐,Winamp中,射流音频…)

2. Since the rotor is fed by a invertor, the waveform supplying the stator can be affected. (翻译:由于转子采用变频装置供电,该电机的定子供电波形将受到影响。)

3. Last, we realize the emulation of this audio processing chip by computer software; prove the audio chip is up to the expected desire. (翻译:最后通过计算机软件对该芯片进行仿真,给出仿真波形和仿真结果.证明本芯片的设计达到了预期要求。)

4. QA100 has extended the design style of QLS Audio in the audio field. (翻译:QA100延续了干龙盛公司在音频领域的设计风格。)

5. XMMS - audio player similar to winamp. (翻译:XMMS -类似Winamp的音频播放器。)

6. The waveform of UWB signals can be reconstructed by convolving the estimated impulse signals with Gaussian monocycle. (翻译:通过将估计出的冲激串信号与高斯单脉冲波形卷积,完成超宽带信号的波形重建。)

7. The pulse laser heterodyne waveform is present. (翻译:同时给出了脉冲外差波形。)

8. The audio guide is offered in the Lakota language. (翻译:不过,导游所说的是拉科塔语。)

9. What appears to the naked eye to be glowing is actually a superposition of different lines of distinct frequency. So, this is quantized. (翻译:出现在肉眼面前的光亮,事实上是频率不同的光线的叠加。所以,这是量子化的。)

10. Steering accuracy is limited by the quantized phase modulation values and the number of phase pixels for spatial light modulators (SLMs). (翻译:空间光调制器的像素数和相位量化调制特性限制了其波束指向精度。)

11. A hammer hits a string, causing a vibration which spreads out as a waveform. (翻译:拿音锤敲击琴弦 引起振动 声音以波的形式传播)

12. Electronics were mostly audio back then. (翻译:当时的电子设备几乎 还都是以声音为主的。)

13. The waveform generator is composed by DSP and quadrature digital upconverter (QDU). DSP is used as main controller to decide the modulation mode and output waveform of QDU. (翻译:波形产生器主要由dsp和数字上变频器构成,DS P作为主控制器设定数字上变频器的调制方式和输出波形。)

14. Waveform Length Extraction from ICEsat GLAS Data and Forest Application Analysis (翻译:星载激光雷达波形长度提取与林业应用潜力分析)

15. Every audio device in this hemisphere. (翻译:Every audio device in this hemisphere. 这半球所有的音频装置)

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