queer bashing是什么意思 queer bashing的中文翻译、读音、例句

queer bashing是什么意思 queer bashing的中文翻译、读音、例句

queer bashing在英语中代表"网络、酷儿打压"的意思,还有酷儿的攻击的意思,单词读音音标为[queerbashing],queer bashing来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到12个与queer bashing相关的句子。

Queer bashing的词典翻译


例句:And he called him a big fat queer. (还骂他是肥基佬 And he called him a big fat queer.)


例句:They are queer folk, and it's best that they marry their cousins and keep their queerness to themselves. (他们是些古古怪怪的人,最好是和他们的表姐妹去结婚,让他们一起保持自己的古怪去吧。)


例句:"It wasn't anything he said, but his manners seemed queer, (他的话没什么特别 但他说话时的表情不自然)


queer bashing一般作为名词使用,如在bashing(非正式 猛击 严厉批评 乱打 的现在分词,非正式 对某人或群体的 痛打 猛烈抨击)、on the queer(犯伪造货币罪)、dune bashing([网络] 沙丘冲浪;沙丘探险;沙丘上飞驰)等常见短语中出现较多。

bashing非正式 猛击 严厉批评 乱打 的现在分词,非正式 对某人或群体的 痛打 猛烈抨击
on the queer犯伪造货币罪
dune bashing[网络] 沙丘冲浪;沙丘探险;沙丘上飞驰
Paki bashing[网络] 巴基斯坦进攻
spring bashing[网络] 弹簧衬套
square bashingn. (士兵的)队列训练
union bashing[网络] 打压工会
feel queer感到头晕, 觉得不舒服
gender queer酷儿(指不用男或女定义性别者,包括流性人、无性别者等)


1. "It wasn't anything he said, but his manners seemed queer, (翻译:他的话没什么特别 但他说话时的表情不自然)

2. The sight of an animal in tears always makes me feel queer and softhearted. (翻译:看到动物流泪总是让我感到不舒服,就心软起来。)

3. Sasha, why are you standing? Queer, let's go. (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1}沙沙,干嘛还傻站着?)

4. She stares at me so that she makes me feel queer. (翻译:她盯着我看,让我觉得很不自在。)

5. You made me feel quite queer. (翻译:你让我觉得很奇怪。)

6. Queer like the fearlessness to imagine what love can look like, and to pursue it." (翻译:性别认同疑惑 是敢于去想象爱的境界, 并去追逐它的无畏精神。” )

7. I just kept bashing at the problems, trying to get that first test to run cleanly. (翻译:我就是反复不断地琢磨这个问题,想让我的第一个测试顺畅运行。)

8. Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule. (翻译:荒谬的错误和古怪的服装常引起讪笑。)

9. But much of his energy will be spent trying to block China-bashing legislation in Congress. (翻译:但是他的大量精力将花在试图阻止国会通过“修理中国”的法案上。)

10. They are queer folk, and it's best that they marry their Cousins and keep their queerness to themselves. (翻译:他们是些古古怪怪的人,最好是和他们的表姐妹去结婚,让他们一起保持自己的古怪去吧。)

://www.ted.com/talks/richard_dawkins_on_our_queer_universe.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/richard_dawkins_on_our_queer_universe.html)

12. Queer like some sort of fluidity and limitlessness all at once. (翻译:性别认同疑惑是一种 瞬间的流动性,无拘束感。)

13. - With 200 applicants for 2 jobs, do you think Ripamonti would hire a queer ? (翻译:200个人竞聘2个岗位 你觉得Ripamonti会把工作给个基佬么)

14. Tib has to be considered, and she has a very queer temper. (翻译:提布也要算在里面,她的脾气可是古怪得很。)

15. It's so queer that physicists resort to one or another paradoxical interpretation of it. (翻译:是多么奇怪啊。大卫.多依奇在《真实世界的脉络》一书中 )

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