quinua是什么意思 quinua的中文翻译、读音、例句

quinua是什么意思 quinua的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇解释:

Quinua是西班牙语中的quinoa, 意思是藜麦,是一种源自南美洲的古老谷物,含有丰富的蛋白质,氨基酸,纤维和营养素。

2. 健康食品:


3. 种植加工:



1. Quinua is considered a superfood due to its high nutritional content.


2. I usually substitute quinua for rice when cooking.


3. Quinua is a staple food for many indigenous communities in South America.


4. The quinua industry in Peru has helped to improve the economy in some rural areas.


5. Quinua is easy to digest and is a good source of protein and fiber.




1. La quinua es un alimento muy nutritivo y saludable. (藜麦是一种非常营养丰富和健康的食品。)

2. La ensalada de quinua es mi plato favorito. (藜麦沙拉是我最喜欢的菜。)

3. La quinua se cultiva en altitudes elevadas. (藜麦在高海拔地区种植。)

4. La quinua es rica en proteínas, fibra y vitaminas. (藜麦富含蛋白质、纤维素和维生素。)

5. La quinua se puede utilizar para hacer pan, galletas y otros productos horneados. (藜麦可以用来制作面包、饼干和其他烘焙产品。)

6. La quinua es un ingrediente común en la cocina andina. (藜麦是安第斯山脉地区常用的食材。)

7. La quinua se puede cocinar como el arroz o como la sémola. (藜麦可以像米饭或粗粮一样烹饪。)

8. El desayuno de quinua es una opción saludable y deliciosa. (藜麦早餐是一个健康又美味的选择。)

9. La quinua es un alimento básico en la dieta de los pueblos andinos desde hace siglos. (藜麦自古以来一直是安第斯山脉民族的主要食品之一。)



1. Quinoa is a gluten-free grain that is high in protein.


2. I use quinoa instead of rice in my salads for a healthier option.





例句:Expanded opportunity of loading M3U playlists. (扩大机会装货m3u播放清单。)


例句:The number for Dr Robert Hume, H-U-M-E, on Tall Cedar Road. (罗伯特・休姆博士的号码, H -U -M)


1. Collecting for the Unlucky Fisherman's Association? (翻译:科尔电视机针对U nlucky 渔民协会?)

2. However, proceedings were delayed today when the U.S. delegation refused to attend the morning session after hearing reports that the U.S.S.R. (翻译:proceedings were delayed today when the U. S. delegation)

3. He loved U2, Levis 501's and Kafka. (翻译:他喜欢U2, 里维斯501,还有卡夫卡.)

4. - So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)

5. U like Uterus. P like Penis. (翻译:Uterus[阴道]的U Penis[鸡巴]的P)

6. If it says U/North, pull it aside. Anything that says U/North. (翻译:如果提到了U/North公司,就放在一边 任何提到U/North的材料)

7. The title Guardians came from research around burial objects looking specifically at the Terracotta Army of Emperor Quin. (翻译:的标题是从那些针对陪葬物,特别是秦始皇的兵马俑的研究而来。)

8. "you" and I are going to jail. (翻译:Department of Defense, U. S. Navy,)

9. Do you love me do you love me... (翻译:杜 U Love Me 杜 U Love Me)

10. That s.U.V. Got the point across. (翻译:那辆SUV到对面去了 That S. U. V.)

11. Lost power supply redundancy. Check PSU cables. (翻译:丢失电源设备冗余。请检查PS U电缆。)

12. This guy McDeere knew Lamar Quin went to Kansas State. (翻译:麦克迪尔这家伙知道拉马尔?奎恩曾在堪萨斯大学上学。)

13. The idea of TerraPower is that, instead of burning a part of uranium -- the one percent, which is the U235 -- we decided, "Let's burn the 99 percent, the U238." (翻译:Terrapower的想法是:不去烧常规的铀U235 Terrapower的想法是:不去烧常规的铀U235 而是烧剩下的99%,即U238 )

14. Video forensics company sent back your U-matic tape. (翻译:视频取证公司 发回你的U -MATIC磁带。)

15. U like Unicorn. P like Paradise. (翻译:Unicorn[独角兽]的U Paradise[天堂]的P)

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