quotient module的意思是"商模",作为名词时有"商模"的意思,在线发音:[quotientmodule],quotient module是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到84个与quotient module相关的例句。
Quotient module的中文翻译
例句:Someone disagrees with this quotient thing of mine, but I think that sympathy, from the Greek word "sympazein" (有些人反对我以同情心多寡评分 却坚持 同情一词源于希腊文 意思是分担别人所受的痛苦)
quotient module一般作为名词使用,如在quotient(商 )、module(模块 )、the module(模块)等常见短语中出现较多。
quotient | 商 |
module | 模块 |
the module | 模块 |
difference quotient | 差商 |
differential quotient | [计] 微商 |
dilatation quotient | 伸缩商 |
economy quotient | [医] 水分[收支]商数 |
dispersivity quotient | 微分色散 |
emotional quotient | 情绪商数 |
1. It consists of semiconductor thermostat, power module, and dater collector module of yanhua, temperature sensor and humidity sensor. (翻译:仪器主要由半导体恒温器,模块电源,研华公司的数据采集模块以及温度,湿度传感器组成。)
2. Nothing like a little public pressure to ratchet up the creativity quotient. (翻译:逐步提示创造力的能力时没什么比施加一点公众压力更好的了。)
3. and then the data receiving interrupt handling length of the CPU module is reset to wakeup the CPU module. (翻译:重新设置该中央处理器模块的该中断处理长度为一第二数据接收处理长度;唤醒该中央处理器模块。)
4. Edit the name from Module1. Vb to something appropriate, like TestConsole. Vb. (翻译:将名称从Module1.vb编辑为合适的名称,如TestConsole.vb。)
5. Coz IQ doesn't interest girls, they want CQ.. Cool quotient! (翻译:因为女孩们对智商没什么兴趣 她们对CQ感兴趣)
6. - I need to get her to a repair module. (翻译:Is she okay? - I need to get her to a repair module.)
7. Piece of the waste disposal module, (翻译:待处理模块的一部分 在飞船的对面,没什么用)
8. This is our containment module. (翻译:那是我们的隔离舱 This is our containment module.)
: LoadModule php5_module. (翻译:LoadModulephp5_module。)
10. Garner's containment module (翻译:一个难得的机会 a rare moment of opportunity for us.)
11. This code creates a Guice module. (翻译:该代码创建了一个Guice模块。)
12. Support for developing FastCGI applications, including support for rewrite rules via URL rewrite Module. (翻译:支持开发FastCGI应用程序,包括通过URL Rewirte Module来支持规则重写。)
13. In other words, the only Module loaded at startup was the Step1. swf Module. (翻译:换句话说,在启动时唯一需要加载的模块就是Step1.swf模块。)
14. Compiling with pyc and PySerial module. (翻译:引入pyserial模块并使用py c进行编译。)
15. Each module can be customized. (翻译:每一个模块都可以定制 Each module can be customized.)