qvod是什么意思 qvod的中文翻译、读音、例句

qvod是什么意思 qvod的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 历史


2. 功能


3. 特点


4. 影响



1. 快播是一款非常流行的电影、电视剧、动漫在线播放软件。

Qvod is a very popular online video player for movies, TV series, and anime.

2. 快播不仅提供了在线播放功能,还可以让用户快速下载高清电影电视剧。

Qvod not only provides online playback function, but also allows users to quickly download high-definition movies and TV shows.

3. 由于快播的版权问题,该软件已经被封杀。

Due to copyright issues, the Qvod software has been banned.

4. 快播软件的出现和流行在中国引领了在线视频产业的发展。

The emergence and popularity of Qvod software in China has led the development of the online video industry.

5. 快播的高清画质和快速下载功能吸引了大量的用户。

The high-definition picture quality and fast download function of Qvod have attracted a large number of users.


读音:kuài bō


1. 他们用qvod看电影,速度很快。 (They watch movies using qvod, the speed is very fast.)

2. 快播曾经是一款很受欢迎的视频播放器。 (Qvod used to be a very popular video player.)




例句:Projedect management of GSC and ODM resource to implement sample build plan, QV plan and MP plan, ensure SS of all new products. (协调和管理供应链资源,执行样品生产,小批量质量评测和批量生产计划,确保新产品按时上市;)


1. We will experience a lot od ups and downs (翻译:其实大家在一块儿的时候 你会经历过很多东西)

2. To the developer of ONet applications, client library provides the ODMG 3.0 compliant API layer. (翻译:对于应用程序开发者,客户端运行时还提供了符合OD MG 3.0标准接口的应用程序接口层。)

3. The heat values under constant volume(Qv) of edible soya oil were measured with WZR-1A microcomputer calorimetry. (翻译:利用WZR-1A型精密微电脑量热计系统地测量了食用大豆油的恒容燃烧热。)

4. ODP and GWP are the most important indexes for refrigerant evaluation. (翻译:od P值和GWP值是当今评价制冷剂的重要指标。)

5. I mean, she did OD on the prescription meds that she had to take to deal with the anxiety that you caused her. (翻译:就是因为你造成她的困扰 所以她才需要大量服药)

6. To find out the relativity of VVM OD value and virus titer for JEV, provide the data for the cold chain of vaccine transportation. (翻译:为了考察VVM变色程度与滴度的相关性,为疫苗的冷链运输提供参考数据。)

7. Yeah, we had that OD out on the street a while back. (翻译:是的 不久前我们在附近路上 处理过吸毒致死的案子)

8. For two decades, I believed I pushed Claire over the edge, that she OD'd because of me, until I got this reunion invitation and I started thinking like a prosecutor instead of a boyfriend. (翻译:xx年了 我一直相信是我把Claire 逼上了绝路 她服药过量是因为我 直到我接到这个同学会邀请 才开始用检察官而不是男友的思维思考)

9. This circuit is implemented on a monolithic chip, which is comprised of a period time sampling unit, a peri-od distanee preset unit, an arithmetic unit, a clock and time sequence unit. (翻译:电路主要由周期计时电路、周期数据预置电路、运算电路及时钟和时序等电路构成。)

10. I was just checking in. Look, maybe he od'd on the oxycodone, but where did the alprazolam and ephedra come from? (翻译:听着 也许他过量服用可待因 但佳乐定和麻黄是从哪儿来的呢?)

11. The membrane potential of shaly sandstone is affected more by Qv than by compaction. (翻译:泥质砂岩阳离子交换容量对薄膜电位的影响远大于压实作用;)

12. Yesterday, the prosecution's only witness OD'd on crack. (翻译:昨天检方唯一目击证人,因吸食可卡因过多致死)

13. They're either dead, in jail or OD on drugs. (翻译:死的死,坐牢的坐牢 还有的服毒过度半死不活)

14. Result Salvia is typical kind of Chinese blo od -activating drug possessing many chemical elements and pharmacological activity es. (翻译:结果:丹参为中医活血化瘀代表药,含多种化学成分、具有多种药理活性。)

15. So, you are baming od me too (翻译:you are baming od me too)

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