racket court的中文解释是"网球场",作为名词时有"网球场"的意思,发音音标为[racketcourt],racket court在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到33个与racket court相关的句子。
Racket court的词典翻译
例句:That will not stand up in an English court of law! (That will not stand up in an English court of law!)
racket court一般作为名词使用,如在court(①法院②宫廷)、in court(在法庭上,在受审)、in the court([网络] 在法庭上;在下级法院;在法院)等常见短语中出现较多。
court | ①法院②宫廷 |
in court | 在法庭上,在受审 |
in the court | [网络] 在法庭上;在下级法院;在法院 |
the court | [网络] 朝廷;法院;法庭 |
divorce racket | [法] 以敲诈勒索扶养费为目的离婚案 |
extortion racket | [网络] 勒索球拍 |
made a racket | 大声喧哗 |
make a racket | v. 大声喧哗 |
numbers racket | [网络] 数字球拍 |
1. It's no different than the criminal protection racket (? (翻译:这与那些通过武力来向你勒索钱财的保护犯罪的恶棍没区别)
2. - Yesterday, there was a bomb blast in front of Delhi High Court. (翻译:But... - Yesterday, there was a bomb blast... ...in front of Delhi High Court.)
3. The court will come to order. (翻译:当当当 法院来审判了 The court will come to order.)
4. Is the pig in court today? (翻译:今天那只猪上庭了么? Is the pig in court today?)
5. Court also ruled, properly this time, that since you're already in Kentucky, as long as you're legally re-arrested, you can be brought to trial. (翻译:这个较合理... Court also ruled... properly this time...)
6. And invite him back into my court room. (翻译:请他回到法庭 And invite him back into my court room.)
7. Isn't it too late to make all this racket? (翻译:现在是花天酒地的时候吗 如果我们只是按喇叭)
8. And flowers... It runs toward the woods It runs at full steam (翻译:它驶向树林 他全速前进 Il court vers le bois, il court à toute vapeur)
9. You are in contempt of court. (翻译:You are in contempt of court.)
10. Will you testify in court? (翻译:你可以去法庭作证吗 will you testify in court.)
11. - In civil court we go after their money. - No. (翻译:- In civil court we go after their money.)
12. They suspect him of running the prison's protection racket. (翻译:他们怀疑他掌管着 监狱里的保护费组织 --)
13. ## I like the way they dribble up and down the court ## (翻译:[I like the way they dribble up and down the court])
14. - Why are you so inscrutable? - That's meant to be our racket. (翻译:那注定会永远留下记录的 你可能是双重间谍)
15. The only chance for a guy like me is to start a new racket. (翻译:对于像我这样的人来说 唯一的机会是拓展个新的领域)