radioactive insecticide通常被翻译为"放射性杀虫剂"的意思,在日常中也代表"放射性杀虫剂"的意思,单词读音音标为[radioactiveinsecticide],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到23个与radioactive insecticide相关的例句。
Radioactive insecticide的词典翻译
例句:No, dichlorovos has the same chemical structure in every insecticide. (ぃ ┮Τ炳挛警い粹ヒ咨 常Τて厩挡篶)
radioactive insecticide一般作为名词使用,如在flower insecticide(花药)、insecticide factory([网络] 农药厂)、insecticide tolerance(耐药性)等常见短语中出现较多。
flower insecticide | 花药 |
insecticide factory | [网络] 农药厂 |
insecticide tolerance | 耐药性 |
microbic insecticide | 微生物农药 |
protective insecticide | 胃毒剂 |
radioactive | 放射性的 |
fall radioactive | 放射性落尘 |
highly radioactive | 放射性的,强放射性的 |
iodine radioactive | [医] 放射性碘 |
radioactive activity | 放射活性;放射活度, 放射活性 |
1. They fumigated infected burrows with insecticide, killing the fleas but sparing the gerbils. (翻译:他们将杀虫剂喷入沙鼠的洞穴,只杀死跳蚤。)
2. Effect of Several Low Poison Insecticide on Cabbage Moth and Imported Cabbageworm (翻译:几种低毒杀虫剂对小菜蛾、菜青虫的防效试验)
3. Connection between life and radioactive nuclei is straightforward. (翻译:生命 和放射性原子核之间的联系 很简单直观.)
4. It is safe to sleep under an insecticide-treated bednet? (翻译:睡在经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐中是否安全? )
5. Farm insecticide and raticide are in the majority of the diverse types of poisons. (翻译:所投毒物种类分布较广,但农药和鼠药占多数;)
6. The latter includes radioactive nuclide tracing, radioactive nuclide dating and radioactive pharmaceuticals. (翻译:后者则主要包括放射性核素测年、放射性核素示踪和放射性药物。)
7. There was no radioactive myelitis in both groups. (翻译:两组均无放射性脊髓炎。)
8. However, electrical and radioactive souls are attracted to the electrical or radioactive nature of the human genetics. (翻译:然而,电流与放射性灵魂往往被人类遗传中的电流与放射性本性所吸引。)
9. This article draws up the pyrethrum ester insecticide. (翻译:本品是拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂。)
10. About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide. (翻译:大约70%的可可豆种植区都用杀虫剂处理过。)
11. Reported that after testing the air in Tokyo, did not detect the radioactive nuclear reactor usually have cesium and radioactive iodine. (翻译:报道说,经过对东京空气的检测,没有检测出核反应堆通常拥有的放射性铯和放射性碘。)
12. Francium is the densest of the Alkali Metals and also radioactive. (翻译:钫是碱金属中密度最大的,具有放射性。)
13. Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs. (翻译:放射性水已渗入了地下蓄水池。)
14. Three radioactive minerals are curite, sklodowskite and cuprosklodowskite. (翻译:三种放射性矿物是居里石、矽卡洛多夫石和铜矽卡洛多夫石。)
15. It's pretty ironic that somebody dosed Chef Holden with insecticide. (翻译:控 Τ倒Holden紁炳挛警)