radionavigational aids是什么意思 radionavigational aids的中文翻译、读音、例句

radionavigational aids是什么意思 radionavigational aids的中文翻译、读音、例句

radionavigational aids在中文中有"无线电导航设备"的意思,其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,发音是[radionavigationalaids],radionavigational aids来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到39个与radionavigational aids相关的句子。

Radionavigational aids的释义


例句:Wendy Rickard, Shattered Dreams? An Oral History of the South African Aids Epidemic. (温迪·里卡德,《破碎的梦想?南非艾滋病的口述史》。)

例句:Utilization of Cationic Starch with High Substituted Degree as Retention and Drainage Aids in Deinked Pulp (高取代度阳离子淀粉对废纸脱墨浆助留助滤的研究)


radionavigational aids一般作为名词使用,如在radionavigational([网络] 无线电导航的)、radionavigational lattice([网络] 无线电导航图网;无线电导航网络图)、radionavigational warning(无线电航海警告)等常见短语中出现较多。

radionavigational[网络] 无线电导航的
radionavigational lattice[网络] 无线电导航图网;无线电导航网络图
radionavigational warning无线电航海警告
directional aids定向器材
drying aids干燥助剂(果品蔬菜用)
economic aids经济救助
drawing aids[网络] 绘图辅助工具;辅助绘图命令
electronic aids电子辅助设备(electronic aid的复数)
extruding aids压出助剂


1. Study on the Speech Recognition Abilities of Prelingual Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants or Hearing Aids (翻译:使用人工耳蜗和助听器的语前聋儿童言语识别能力的研究)

2. But it's going to work. It's more effective than just computational aids. (翻译:但它就是这样运作的。它比仅仅计算 货款时间更有效。)

3. If they've got band-aids and bactine, we've got a body in there. (翻译:如果他们得到急救绷带, 我们会知道在那里)

4. Useful aids like AutoFill and drag and drop have been demonstrated in other chapters. (翻译:有用的辅助手段例如自动填充和拖放在其他章节已经讲述。)

5. We spend 100 billion dollars a year on diet aids. (翻译:每年在减肥辅助品上的消费高达 1000亿美元。)

6. Hospitals do not issue Band-Aids unless it is medically necessary. (翻译:医院不能随便给病人开创可贴的 Hospitals do not issue Band -aids 除非是伤情严重 万不得已 unless it is medically necessary.)

:// (翻译://

8. Evgeny Morozov: How the Net aids dictatorships (翻译:耶夫根尼-莫洛佐夫 :互联网是奥威尔的噩梦吗?)

9. In the film, the villagers with Aids are social outcasts. (翻译:在这部电影中,患有艾滋病的村民被社会遗弃。)

10. You mean that box of band-aids we got at the 99 cent store? (翻译:你是指我们在一元店里 买的那包创可贴吗?)

11. There is hurt, here, that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry. (翻译:但这伤痛依旧 创可贴或者诗歌也不能修复。)

12. Halston dies of complications relating to Aids. (翻译:哈斯顿因为艾滋病的并发症身亡。)

:// (翻译://

14. Because even through the squeaks of his hearing aids, his understanding of music was profound. (翻译:即使他不得不借助助听器, 他对于音乐的理解非常深刻。)

15. Applying Multiplex Aids in Butanone-Toluene Solvent Dewaxing Process of Fushun Refinery No. (翻译:复合助滤剂在石油二厂酮苯脱蜡装置上应用。)

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