radwaste system是什么意思 radwaste system的中文翻译、读音、例句

radwaste system是什么意思 radwaste system的中文翻译、读音、例句

radwaste system在英语中代表"射性废物处理系统"的意思,在英美地区还有"射性废物处理系统"的意思,发音是[radwastesystem],radwaste system来源于英语,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到26个与radwaste system相关的例句。

Radwaste system的翻译


例句:Police Global Positioning System. (フ衂メ ハヘマ矩 ヌ矼貮゙レ 矣ヤムリノ)


radwaste system一般作为名词使用,如在radwaste(n. 放射性废物)、dirty radwaste(脏放射废料)、gaseous radwaste([化] 气态放射性废物)等常见短语中出现较多。

radwasten. 放射性废物
dirty radwaste脏放射废料
gaseous radwaste[化] 气态放射性废物
incineration of radwaste[化] 放射性废物煅烧
liquid radwaste液体放射废料
radwaste area放射废料(存放)区
radwaste boiler放射废料锅炉
radwaste building射性废物厂房
radwaste centrifuge放射废料离心机
radwaste conveyor放射废料输送带


1. In the past, there was no alternate way by which you could trap the System. exit or JVM exit after customization and the bind process. (翻译:过去,没有替代方法可用来捕获定制和绑定过程结束后的System.exit或JVMexit。)

2. We got into Canberra air traffic controllers, definite unusual activity there. (翻译:不寻常活动? Unusual activity? 他们黑进飞行计划系统 They hacked in through the flight planning system)

3. - Yes, the Ileenium System. (翻译:- Yes, the Ileenium System.)

4. This update fixes System. TimeZone to work properly with the fixed-date time zone rules used by the Jerusalem time zone on Windows Vista. (翻译:本更新通过修复WindowsVista耶路撒冷时区的日期时区规则使System.TimeZone能够正确工作。)

5. Weighting of radwaste machines is a necessary procedure. (翻译:对运载着放射性废料的卡车的称重是个必要的过程。)

6. Hyper Operating System, "HOS". (翻译:Hyper operating System,HOS)

7. System backups are encrypted. (翻译:系统备份也是加密的。)

8. The issue is the Brunhilde System, then? (翻译:龙宫岛上的防卫总控系统名字来 源于北欧神话中女武神 布伦希尔德·瓦尔基里)

9. Defining a new storage group: it's recommended to have TSM storage System in its own storage group. (翻译:定义一个新的存储组。建议让TM Storage System自成一个存储组。)

10. possible terrorist chatter. (翻译:National Terrorism Advisory System 全国恐怖主义警报系统】 NTAS just issued an alert:)

11. BBS, the Bulletin Board System, developed only among the students in its early stage. (翻译:BBS System电子布告栏 早期只在学生族群中发展)

12. - All right if we take a look around? (翻译:very impressive security system. 我们能到处看看吗? All right if we take a look around?)

13. Until hackers activate it to... (翻译:埋藏在你们系统里的恶意软件... buried deep inside your system...)

14. You can write an application that subscribes to the SYSTEM. FTE topic. (翻译:您可以编写一个订阅SYSTEM.FTEtopic的应用程序。)

15. For consistency, drag the DB2 System unit onto the furn-db. jke. com unit. (翻译:出于稳定性的考虑,将DB2System单元拖拉到furn-db.jke.com单元之上。)

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