ragleys是什么意思 ragleys的中文翻译、读音、例句

ragleys是什么意思 ragleys的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The ragged man drags a waggon of rag fragments. (那个衣衫褴褛的人拉着一货车破布碎片。)


例句:Let's forget for a moment that it's a rag, but it happens to be 12 sizes too large. (这不是裙子是一块窗帘布 还有12码明显太大)


例句:This rag-picker was a grateful creature, and she smiled, with what a smile, on the three portresses. (这个拾荒者是一个懂得感恩的人,她对那三个看门的女人微笑着,笑得多么灿烂。)


例句:Then you carried your ashes into the mountains: will you now carry your fire into the val- leys? (翻译:那时你带着你的灰烬去了山里:现在你会带着你的火进到山谷里去吗?)


1. This rag-picker was a grateful creature, and she smiled, with what a smile, on the three portresses. (翻译:这个拾荒者是一个懂得感恩的人,她对那三个看门的女人微笑着,笑得多么灿烂。)

2. Then you carried your ashes into the mountains: will you now carry your fire into the val- leys? (翻译:那时你带着你的灰烬去了山里:现在你会带着你的火进到山谷里去吗?)

3. What's this white exemption rag doing on your arm? (翻译:你臂上的白袖章哪来的? 买来的,犹太人?)

4. Looks like it was done with soft material - a dense sponge or a rag? (翻译:看起来像是柔软的东西画的 - 一块海绵或抹布?)

5. Our lives are streams, flowing into the same river, towards whatever heave leys, in the mist beyond the falls. (翻译:我们的生命如同溪流,朝着同一条河流奔去,无论是朝着天堂的芳草地,还是在瀑布的迷雾中。)

6. It is impracticable to go for early bite from longer leys. (翻译:利用长期轮作草场进行早期放牧是不切实际的。)

7. The elm trees before Court Leys were beginning to burst into leaf. (翻译:莱伊府第房子前面的榆树开始长出嫩叶。)

8. He was wiping his hands on an oily rag. (翻译:他在一块油乎乎的抹布上擦着双手。)

9. The kitchen, the doors, even inside the trash can with a rag. (翻译:从厨房的门到放在地上的垃圾箱 都用抹布擦了)

10. She always kept her snot rag stuffed in her sleeve. (翻译:她总是把自己的鼻涕纸塞在袖子里 {\3cH202020}She always kept her snot rag stuffed in her sleeve.)

11. See, Doo Rag, your mind-- it is like a gun! (翻译:见,斗抹布, 你的心 - 它就像一把枪!)

12. The face of the Virgin Mary appeared on a rag at a car wash in Los Angeles. (翻译:圣母玛利亚的面孔出现在洛杉矶洗车店的一本杂志上)

13. Stupid ragu. I knew it wouldn't come out. (翻译:可恶的酱汁 我就知道不好洗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH000000}{\4cH000000}Stupid ragù.)

14. Bertha stood upon the high road that ran past Court Leys, and from the height looked down upon the lands that were hers. (翻译:伯莎站在经过莱伊府第门前的公路之上,从高处俯视属于她的那片大地。)

15. And here is Derek's take on Art Tatum's take on "Tiger Rag." (翻译:德里克将演奏阿特·塔图姆版本的《老虎拉格泰姆》 )



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